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Linda Morrissey

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  1. I did my Pupil Nurse training, remember them? Back in April 1979 and lived in the nurses home. Do they still exist these days? I have many good and also not so good memories of working at the NGH in Herries Road. The group of girls I trained with were a lovely bunch. Claire Bateman, Ann,( sorry can’t remember your surname) Diane Jackson, Vicky Young , Helen Townsend I wonder what happened to them all. I left that hospital in 1980 and returned back home to Devon to continue my training and did keep in touch with a couple of girls for a while. Nursing is definitely not the career it was back then. It was hard work but at least the patients were well looked after and you could have some fun and enjoyment in nursing not like the horror stories we hear today. I feel very sorry for the NHS nursing and medical staff today and glad I’m 65 now and retired. I fully support these strikes and hope it brings this useless Government down. The only hope we have is to vote for Labour and to get rid of the Tories for good. My Very Best Wishes to all the hard working staff at the Northern General hospital.
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