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Albert smith

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Posts posted by Albert smith

  1. A game keeper at Cresswell ,Whitwell area threatened to shoot or poison my old dog even though we were walking on a public path  ,the dog would never leave my side.

    His boss who owned the land also threatened us ,The buzzards that had been nesting in the area mysteriously disappeared one spring ,when asked what had happened is reply was "don't know and don't care".

    They even approached theCountry path way inspectors and asked them what they were doing on their land even though the inspectors were on the same paths as I have mentioned .

  2. 2 hours ago, Anna B said:

    You have to remember a lot of local Councillors go on to become MPs. They have to learn how to be shifty somewhere....

    Sheffield is the no one for shifty MP's just take a look at the socialist republic mob and how they feathered their nests then we have the present mob ignoring our vote on Brexit .  The whole lot em Nation wide have sold the voters down the river , We need an alternative system maybe proportionate representation  .

  3. 10 minutes ago, woodview said:

    We have thread talking about the term 'coloured' running at over 100 comments.

    Yet this, involving rape of kids in our own city, is way down the list. It shocks me, I've come to think the usual suspects on here purposely ignore it to let it sink into obscurity, like the actual problem.

    The two who comment on virtually every  thing are as you say missing ,but Halibut who always stands up to be counted has replied and as usual he posts a fair and impartial view.

  4. It looks as though the working class has been stabbed in the back by the Labour Party over Brexit  ,It seems as though Our own M.Ps in Sheffield are remainers and do not give a monkeys about the voters who have kept them in a job all these years .

    So what is the future for Labour voters not only in our own City but nation wide ,who can we turn to ? now that we have so badly been let down .

  5. 4 minutes ago, SgtDave said:

    The 2 teams above you and the 6 teams below you all have games in hand and can pull away / overtake you.

    Your position in the league table at the moment looks good, but is artificial.

    You'll probably find yourselves back to the bottom half of the table soon.

    You've had a good run but I think there are too many teams who are far better than you that are more likely to reach the play-offs.

    There are some teams in the play off position that have failed to beat the Owls on more than one attempt this season so it seems that far better is a load off codswallop.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

    And you still manage to avoid actually answering the question about what you think should be done.

    I think you've entirely got the wrong end of the stick.  This is about people living in Monaco.  Living somewhere else is not tax avoidance and it's definitely not tax evasion.

    Or alternatively if it is, then you're avoiding paying tax in 194 countries, which seems very unfair to the people who live in them and do pay tax...  That doesn't really make a lot of sense though does it?

    Think about all the tax you're avoiding by not living in Belgium!  You're evading huge amounts of tax compared to anyone living in Belgium, how immoral is that?

    Keep at  it lass , Belgium now in the equation them Benelux  countries have a very funny way of doing things .'

  7. 22 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

    So what change or evolution to the law is required.  I asked this several times.  Should you not be allowed to emmigrate, or is it only rich people who won't be allowed to go?

    Trying to tease out what you mean is not "winding you up".  Establishing exactly what errors of fact and logic you've made that have caused your ill informed rant are necessary in order to explain to you why you've got it wrong.

    If Albert actually understood the basic facts and made some legitimate point then the thread would be very short indeed.

    Iv'e got it now!!!!! explained to me (in my innocence ) that some of the professional posters on these threads just have to have a daily dig .  Sad aren't they .

  8. 1 hour ago, woodview said:

    99% of people understood. Some people don't want to, because of who said it.

    If you make the same post in 6 months the same posters will post but supporting your point.


    50 minutes ago, woodview said:

    I don't think he was claiming it was illegal, he feels it is unjust.

    That's what people talk about, and the reason laws change and evolve.

    Are you saying that certain posters only reply to wind up folk they do not like even though they do not know them ,(presumably so ).

  9. 30 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

    And how is this different for billionaires?  To not be resident in the UK they have to spend a limited amount of time here.  I'm sure that Monaco has some laws about a minimum they have to spend there to be resident.

    It's not something you can just declare to be, you have to actually do it.


    Arthur seemed to be upset that someone could live in Monaco and still fly over to the UK, what he said makes little sense though and he refuses to explain.

    Trying to explain any thing to you in plain English is like trying to tell remainers that they lost the vote.

    The billionaires can fly in and out of the Country in their Lear in the time it takes some people to travel to work on the tube or 95 bus ,especially those that live in the Channel Isles or I.O.M.  who do you think monitors them , not their mates in high places that is for sure ,these people are leaches on our society worse than any lad or lass that sits on West Street begging for the odd tanner or two . Is  that plain enough I have tried my best no fancy Dan stats or befuddling statistics just  plain bloody English.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

    Based on the Office for National Statistics's (ONS's) Living Costs and Food Survey, the UK median disposable household income was £27,300 in the financial year ending (FYE) 2017, up 2.3% on the previous year (after accounting for inflation and household composition).


    Disposable income is the amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after direct taxes (such as Income Tax, National Insurance and Council Tax) have been accounted for. It includes earnings from employment, private pensions and investments as well as cash benefits provided by the state.


    So, the median average AFTER tax is £27,300.  Across all households.

    Average household size is however 2.4 people in the UK.


    So you've chosen a household larger than the average, a pre tax income of 35k, which if it's a single earner means an annual takehome of £27,100.


    Not poor, but average income with a larger than average number of people.


    I'd be surprised if such a family doesn't need to watch those £60's...  Thinking about that, it's 2 children, so that's £120, and it's two parents, so they can both be fined, so it's potentially £240 fine that they need to budget for.

    Thats amazing just take a look at the old age pension ,perhaps the Government have got the figures wrong.

  11. 1 hour ago, euclid said:

    I hear what you're saying Albert and agree with most of what you say...would never buy one of these sweepers..too expensive.....but my opinion of him changed somewhat when i learned he had donated...of his own money.......£275.000 to the Antartic expedition  but stipulated the charity they work with was "Breakthrough" which funds research into finding a cure for breast cancer and needed £3 million to start a clinic,when the fund raised £1.7 million he gave £700,000 0f his own money and also donated £10 from every sale of a new "Dyson" model to the fund..suppose someone will say its just a tax break,but its a lot more than any overpaid footballer has ever done??????

    Well that puts another slant on things ,good on him.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

    Typical Tory response again.

    Improving 'my lot' just improves me, it doesn't improve the country.

    That's what Thatcher encouraged .... 'improving my lot'.

    She and I both know that not everyone can improve their lot. If we did, and we all got a bit closer to the rich, very rich and super rich, the said rich 'uns would just work to brush me aside so that they kept the upper hand.

    Society has to somehow stop the rich from becoming filthy rich.

    Being filthy rich is ok for the selfish and the greedy, but I wouldn't want to associate myself with such people. A lot of money I don't mind so much, but when you start talking £20m, £50m or more, then that is obscene. You can work out what I think of Billionaires and Multi Billionaires. I don't admire them, I just know they've trod on many toes, ripped off many people, overcharged many people, underpaid many people and avoided giving the British people anything back to say 'thanks'.

    In fact, they're so grateful, they sack the British workers and move their businesses to far flung places, where they can pay workers less, and make themselves another un- needed Billion. Fine. upstanding people they are.

    Sadly, some put these people on a pedestal, suck up to 'em in the hope of creaming a bit away from them, give them Knighthoods, give them other Titles and ignore almost any skullduggery they want to get up to.

    I dislike them with a passion. 'Man of the people',  'Sir', 'Baron'  'Lord'  or whatever.

    Ultimately, they're all parasites.

    Some in this country are fairly well off, some are comfortable, some are ok, some are struggling, and some are homeless and helpless.

    Most are 'managing'. Everyone should be more than just managing.

    Bang on kid. That man that makes carpet sweepers has buggered off  to make his sweepers abroad ,while spouting how patriotic he is , probably keeps his billions in the Cayman Isles, or Monaco or even our supposed British Channel Isles and the I.O.M.

    Thousands of upstanding citizens like him .all with friends in high places making it easy to pretend they live abroad.

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