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Everything posted by MissT

  1. I think I hit a black cat with my car this morning near the ranmoor shops. It ran off. I stopped to look for it but couldn't find it and tried knocking on doors to find its owner but no luck. I really hope it's ok and I want it's owners to know I tried to help. Please get in touch if you know this cat (or its humans). Sorry xxx
  2. MissT loves JLP but has the decorators in on monday so needs to buy today. MissT is ideally looking for a small boutique type place but suspects they won't be open on a sunday so is rolling with the Al Murad idea!
  3. thanks! anyone know if they're open on sundays?
  4. Wilkos! should have thought of that myself. Al Murad seems to be only tiles on their website.
  5. I'm looking for some wallpaper for a feature wall but the only places I can find doing wallpaper are Focus and Homebase. Both the collections are pretty bland. Can anyone recommend any local shops, or even local producers?
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