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Everything posted by worried_

  1. Hi gain thank you all. All positive thoughts are needed at this point. I just got back from seeing her. Her lungs that were filled with blood are now better. The vet also said she is strong and he has high hopes however he cant be sure she will make it until she eats something (liquid) and it passes through her digestive system and comes out. Once she does number 1 and 2 he will be assured that her survival rate is higher. We also debated on the point of if i should see her daily, and please any feedback here is necessary as i want to do whats better for fluffy. There are two thoughts on this: 1) kittys morals go higher when seeing the owner. 2) kittys morals might go down after owner leave so best not to visit. The vet is with the 2nd, he preffers only phone updates. What do you think? My heart tells me i should visit. Maybe even take along some liquid foods to try and feed her, basically be active in this heeling process. Also maybe beeing there physically an hour a day will keep the caretakers active. I dont know.. I just wish she gets out of the danger zone. Bless you all. Thank you so much for your thoughts. What do you think? ---------- Post added 23-02-2015 at 18:02 ---------- Hi gain thank you all. All positive thoughts are needed at this point. I just got back from seeing her. Her lungs that were filled with blood are now better. The vet also said she is strong and he has high hopes however he cant be sure she will make it until she eats something (liquid) and it passes through her digestive system and comes out. Once she does number 1 and 2 he will be assured that her survival rate is higher. We also debated on the point of if i should see her daily, and please any feedback here is necessary as i want to do whats better for fluffy. There are two thoughts on this: 1) kittys morals go higher when seeing the owner. 2) kittys morals might go down after owner leave so best not to visit. The vet is with the 2nd, he preffers only phone updates. What do you think? My heart tells me i should visit. Maybe even take along some liquid foods to try and feed her, basically be active in this heeling process. Also maybe beeing there physically an hour a day will keep the caretakers active. I dont know.. I just wish she gets out of the danger zone. Bless you all. Thank you so much for your thoughts. What do you think?
  2. Yes i have found it supportive thank you very much. Its the first time i look for online support and i got positive energy sent my way so thank you for that.
  3. Through google search, i put in animal care forums and got here, its not the right place i guess but i just needed some feedbacks and send some thoughts out there. ---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 16:12 ---------- What is this site for anyways? Im a programmer and although i love the net, this is the first time i use it for posting something personal that im going through. Maybe the fact that i live in the middle east makes me want some support from the real world where no-one would tell me something like 'who cares its just a cat' ---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 16:17 ---------- She is still alive, she is allso still in a critical state so he still cant tell if she will make it or not. She has lost her eye, he said not to worry about that as many cats adjust well to one eye. Her internal bleeding is not increasing which he said is good and she is reacting well to the medication. He will try to place in feeding tube tmrw. But he said there is still chance of death. It has been about 36hrs. In a case like this normally in how long can he tell if she will make a recovery? He does seem really good in what he does but he doesn't seem very patient with the clients. I haven't bombarded him in any way at all but that is just the vibe i got. At this point that isn't important im just glad i found the best person i could at this part of the world.
  4. Thank you all for you wishes. She is still in critical condition, so the vet didn't have much updates today. i will have more of an update tomorrow ---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 15:51 ---------- Hi Elizabeth, Its a vet in Lebanon (Beirut). They dont seem to have a website so i can pass it along to you. But i do believe he is good, its just her condition is bad. He is an animal lover that i am sure of.
  5. Thank you medusa. I believe that any positive energy in thoughts right now is a plus whether from here on from my freinds and family, anything let out with some positivity to fluffy will help. She needs it.
  6. Your cat, Why did you have to put her to sleep? Any yes atleast shes not in any pain. Thats what's hearbreaking the pain that you cant explain to them as you would to a human. About me visiting her: Thats one way of looking at it that she might think i came to take her home, that could be a minus and not good for her morals. but another way of thinking of it is that maybe being around someone who loves her so much might lift her morals? Maybe i can suggest to the vet if i can be involved with the caretaking after another 24hrs so at that point she wouldve been left 48hrs. Its tricky about not making the doctor feel like your going overboard. Also he did say he has a policy of not alowing patients into the actual operating room at any point. So when she in there being placed into an IV he said that area is a prohibited zone. here is some other feedback i got from a professional that also makes sense though "I think that this is your cat. I also think that being there, to provide love, and care is as important as medical care. If you want to see your cat tell the vet. They cannot deny you access to her. Although they may ask that you not touch her. I always encourage my clients to visit. To sit with them, cuddle them, and help us feed the pets. It does a few things. It keeps the severity of the situation alive. We don't always get happy endings, and pets don't always leave the hospital alive, so any time that my clients can spend with their pet is important. It also helps my client understand what we are doing, what they are being charged for, and helps build a bond between the patient, the client and the vet staff. They understand the situation, and are able to come to turns with the situation better. Ask to see your cat, tell her that you love her, and thank your vet for helping to care for her. It takes a village to treat a cat. And the best endings are always through team efforts." So as i said, maybe ill stay away another 24hrs, that would make a total of 48 hrs, then maybe i should insist to get in and see her? "
  7. Ok that makes sense. I will give him a call though. I limited my calls today to only 2 calls, one when he opened and once before he closed. You are right about not being fussed over, i think this is what the vet meant. And in the end i just want to do what is better for fluffy. At the moment i should just stick to what the vet is telling me. He is truly the best around and he does love animals very much, i know that for a fact because we once hung out in the same group and i remember him and his wife talking about animals with alot of love and he was talking about how much he loves his work. Plus he did get out of bed in a second at 2am to come open the clinic and start all the initial procedures the very same night.
  8. Hi, I want to post this up for some feedback and not sure where to post. My cat is 2 years and a very big cat. fell off the 5th floor window yesterday night at 1am, she just fell, I still feel like im just in a bad dream. I really love her a lot. She fell at 1am wrapped her in a blanket brought her back upstairs I was crying so much. I was in my pjs and full of blood: I started calling so many numbers and by 2am had a vet open up his ward for poor fluffy. He seems to be the best but honestly none of my cats have ever been injured so I don’t know. She had one eye seemed to be turned in its socket, lots of blood from there, also blood coming out of her mouth. He took her temperature (was low) and took an x-ray. He said unfortunately her lungs are filled up with blood. He is keeping her for a few days. I called several times today he said she is stable but he cannot say if she will survive this fall or not as she is still in critical condition but has 24/7 surveillance and he promised that whatever can be done is being done. He mentioned he has seen worse cases that lived yet less severe cases that have died. He also said the first 24hrs are crucial then the next 3 days are crucial then if she is still alive after that he can asses more how her body is doing as each cat is different. I am not doing okay, really im not, I cant stop crying. I know crying wont help her but right now I just need to hear that she will be ok and specifically I am feeling so much pitty about the pain I saw her in. He said he has her on an IV for fluids and also for pain management. He didn’t mention putting her to sleep at first, So I asked if that was necessary at this point as I don’t want to be selfish and poor fluffy was just in so much pain. He said its my call but there is a chance of survival so we should go with that. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do, I feel helpless. Also any similar stories specifically with a fall of a kitty with xrays showing that the lungs are filled up with blood (yet showing all organs are where they are supposed to be) and what is in store for her? What should I do from my part in the next few days?
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