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Posts posted by crookedspire

  1. Don't know about you but I have a very solid, alarmed front door that no one is going to kick in.

    Failing that I have a protection GSD and a Rottweiler. If any drug addled smack head or little chav **** gets past that lot ( because , believe me that's who commits house breaks over here ) I will just bitch slap them.


    Well good for you remember no home it's complete without a Rottweiler :hihi:


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 22:26 ----------



    This. Just this.

    Thankfully this is one thing we haven't imported from the USA!


    Texas's house breaking dropped a lot after the law was charged but Sheffield's rate keeps going up year by year clearly all is not well. Surely a man has the right to protect himself and his family and property against the would be thief's?

  2. Do you mean the "fact" gang. Who don't want to base an entire thread on your air headed wonderings?

    Good for you. Do you know the chance of you being shot in the US, guess how much higher it is than in the UK?

    No, nobody in their right mind would want the UK to follow the US.

    The rate of murders is one of the highest in the western world. The chance of being killed with your own gun is far higher than ever defending yourself.

    Toddlers routinely kill their parents by accident, and school and university massacres seem to happen about every 6 months.

    The NRA somehow always answers this with "more guns". Clearly more guns is not the answer.

    And you know what else happens, if you're going to burgle a house in Texas, you go armed, and if you disturb the homeowner, you shoot him first. In Sheffield, not so much.


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 21:20 ----------



    You're more likely to kill yourself or a friend by accident than to successfully defend yourself in some sort of Rambo fantasy.


    Hello my old friend how's your YouTube channel going?



    So if someone breaks into your house tonight you have a child your gonna want to protect them right?


    The guy threatens your child and you but you have the means to protect yourself and your child yes you would use it. By the time you ring the cops you could be dead.

  3. Hi crookedspire, hope you are well. :wave:

    Just a quick question regarding the crime number comment.

    What if a crime occurs and there are no witnesses and no cctv etc. What do you expect the police to do? They don't know who did it anymore than you or me. If someone is suspected of committing the crime that is not enough to stand up in court.


    Hello their , Evidence from the crime scene would back up any claim be yourself it has happened here post mortem would offer more clues most houses here have cameras unless live really remote.

  4. You and I both know that gun crime is nothing in Britain compared to North America. There is no reason on earth why people should be allowed guns unless they are police, military or special services people. I do strongly believe that all UK policemen should carry firearms in this day and age. There are no other countries in the world , to my knowledge, who allow their police officers to go on the streets unarmed. Those two officers at the two London incidents were not armed , one died in the first one. At the second one the officer who challenged the terrorists may have saved lives and prevented his own, grievous injuries, had he had more than his truncheon.


    But it's written in the United.States constitution we have the right to protect ourselves. Why shouldn't the UK have the same right less Police about on the beat.


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 20:17 ----------


    so thats none then, and in the vast majority of peoples cases it will be none too


    Unless you live in Baltimore ,Detroit or Cleveland and a few other places dotted about. Why not book yourself an romantic holiday to Detroit ?

  5. We've had 3 terrorist attacks here in recent months. Do you think it should be easier for them to get guns?


    In 2014 8,124 people were shot dead in the States. Here it was about 50. The USA's number of gun homicides is 160 times ours for a population that is 6 times larger than ours.






    Terrorists will get arms from someone else if you know we're to look. I'm talking about personal protection.


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 19:58 ----------


    Of course no one should have any firearm without a rigorous check by the police,that said it doesn't stop the odd lunatic owning one even with the check.


    Ture but if someone broke into you home armed you would want to protect yourself ?

  6. I often read online news about the UK it's seems to me crime is up ( get ready for the crime is down so need less Police gang to come out of hiding) often victim's of crime simply get a crime number and that's your lot my brother had this treatment after his car was broke in. Here in the United States under permit I can and do own a gun plus a member of National Rifles Association often practice out at a firing range.


    In Texas if someone breaks into your home you have the right to protect you yourself and property as long the person breaking in is committing a crime is it time this right was given to UK citizens with the same guide lines? If Police cuts carry on as they are surely one has the right to protect himself against others who want to harm you and your family ?

  7. ......Hitler could hold a crowd at the Nuremberg rallies preaching to the converted(very reminiscent) nothing new there!........John McDonell has a murderous look in his eyes when speaking! I think once in power you would have to watch what you say and do when he's around,or as in Russia you just might not get to be around.


    What ever young people need to take control it's OUR country step aside mister it's not your future we are F up !


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:51 ----------


    Typical politician:


    Jeremy Corbyn forced to deny he told Glastonbury organiser he will scrap Trident 'as soon as I can'



    And stupid gullible young for believing him. If it weren't for the fact that Labour would wreck the economy with reckless spending, I half hope Corbyn does have a taste of power and breaks all his wild promises.


    No we want a future not JSA but hey who gives a dam .


    ---------- Post added 26-06-2017 at 15:53 ----------


    I would not be too sure about future voting intentions of young people.My experience was when young your idealistic and vote left but as you get older you move across the political spectrum to the right which will probably happen with a lot of todays kids


    Hey man at least you get it the young people of the UK want a future for their children too unlike the older end who don't give a S about them.

  8. It is believed that the fire which claimed the lives of 79 people at the Grenfell Tower block was started by a Hotpoint fridge the models that are been recalled were made between 2006 to 2009 the models concerned are the following FF 175 BP and FF 175 BG if you do have one contact Hotpoint straight away.


    If you know anyone with a Hotpoint fridge contact them to make sure it is not been recalled.


    Source of information online version of ' Derbyshire Times' .

  9. Driving home last night with my present wife on the Mosborough bypass as I approached a roundabout I decided to switch on an old Commitments cassette!.It started at random with the song "Mustang Sally",at that precise moment coming round the roundabout was a bright yellow brand new Ford Mustang!.Now this model is not seen very often in our neck of the woods very often,a coincidence or what?,in the past doing crosswords a few times reading the clues either the answer would be mentioned on tv or radio at the very same time!.I wonder if this sort of thing has happened to anyone on the Forum,I,m sure it can,t just be me will it?.:huh:


    So you were driving home last night with your present wife so this all could change soon, are women lining up at your door ?

  10. On ' Star's website their is a article about the Stonehouse pub along with a video showing the inside possibly late 1980s or early 90s it's wobbly but not too bad.


    The video shows the bar and main trading area with customers just chilling out I only went in once so don't remember it much of it.

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