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Posts posted by Scruff

  1. I couldnt even stand up in my street in Walkley this morning! Fell over twice, you just cant get a grip on the ground at all. Had to get down on my hands and knees at one point to get through the ice!


    Spent the morning in childrens A&E as little one fell on the ice and had to have stitches. I wont be risking it to get to work in this weather again, its just not worth it

  2. Could I just ask about what symptoms your little one has? for comparison to my little one?


    It would probably be best to just call NHS direct, they're there to give advice and might help put your mind at ease.


    Kitty- Ive got a little one at Infants too, checked http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/closures but just coming up as juniors at mo. I think it may be a matter of time till they close infants tho! If you hear anythin let us know :thumbsup:

  3. Hi all


    Anyone from Walkley on here? What are the hills like. Should I even try getting my little one to BoleHill Nursery?


    I wouldnt attempt it if I were you. I got stuck at Crookes and cant get my little one to Lygate infants today, plus when I was coming back on the bus it came over the radio that they were tsking the 52's off the road. Unless its changed in the last hour obviously

  4. Is Lydgate Junior's shut?


    Just had a phone call off another parent, Lydgate Infant's is shut (already reported on here).


    Radio Sheffield apparently said something like "Lydgate Infant's - shut; Lydgate - oh, already said that".


    Tapton's meant to be shut though so I would have though that the junior's would be shut - anyone know?





    Tapton is shut and King teds, plus Lydgate lane is inpassable, and seeing as the juniors is only round the corner, I reckon you've got a sledging day too!

  5. I got to the top of walkley road were it meets walkley lane, and slid the way back down and had to stat again! At one point I had to hang on to a lamp post and a car and slide my way down the street. Ive not walked the dog properly either as its so bad. She was skiddin about on her paws. I dont know how im going to get the little un back from school!

  6. Im about to host my first proper party for my little-un next weekend. Ive gone for a party at home with a handful of kids. We live in a busy area so Im hoping parents will drop them off and then go and entertain themselves for couple of hours in the local shops and coffee places. Im just hoping nobody wants to stay is there isnt enough room! They are 6 tho so its not like they're 3 or anything...

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