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Everything posted by kevowls

  1. OK thanks Kev still working only 3.5 years before retirement, you still living in Woodhouse mate, hope your health is improved !! have you got an e-mail address, are you on facebook !
  2. Hi Kev how you doing these days still ok i hope !!
  3. Remember Terry taking his dog on his deliveries with him, a labrador i think, he was a right one.
  4. Use to be a bloody good darts thrower mick hutchinson in dodges anyway god how old is he now,not seen him in over 35 years now.
  5. Yes very sad,some great memories at foxes,some great laugh's,good old day's.
  6. Almost sure he is saw it in the star,in his 70's didn't he live on the littledale estate dougiep. ---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 20:10 ---------- Harry storer passed away as well sorry to say dougiep.
  7. I live near the acorn,one of my local's bet iv'e seen him and not recognised him dougiep,yes know ernie damn's think he died a few years ago,remember his brother frank as well.
  8. What's happened to everyone,cat got your tongue.
  9. See the old foxe's workshop on suffold road been turned into a tapas bar.
  10. Was it british racing green, seem's to ring a bell that color .
  11. Dave rodgers passed away a few years ago now , was only 49 kev. ---------- Post added 27-11-2013 at 17:43 ---------- thought that building was knocked down, talbot's butchers had a freezer centre built there !
  12. Is foxes still trading then kev.Last i heard they were on fitzwalter rd .
  13. What's happened, as everyone hibernated for the winter ,
  14. Anyway kevvy hope ur health has improved . Thanks for the chat , maybe see u again sometime take care pal !
  15. Yes must be 25 years or more , doing well thanks , still working worst luck { john carr that was at woodhouse mill } . Living out at high green love it , still follow the owls , dont drink much these days, go walking the weekends , how times change ! ---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 15:35 ---------- Had some great times at foxes and dodgers pub over the years !
  16. Got it in one Mr Greaves lol how's things then me old mucker !
  17. i think your kevin george greaves use to live on morland rd gleadless ?
  18. Just caught hold of this site , i worked at foxes from 1972 to 1978 , remember all those names nearly, some more names u might recall, gerry ashmore, steve hurdley, steve poyser,dave rodgers, some great times in dodgers pub , thursday nights on the town ,great memories folks .
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