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Everything posted by Anon-Sheff

  1. No I have no idea but my Nan don't like tattoos and would have complained until the cows came home if she had them lol
  2. Well I'm sure my Gran had her reasons. Whether it was because she looks like her or somebody said something I'm not sure I guess I'll find out though.
  3. To be honest I have no idea what she looks like! Whether or not she actually looks anything like Kate is anyone's guess. As for my Nan asking her, I think she already knew! If I'm honest! But the honest answer is I have no idea!
  4. Woah she's not a scrounger lol she's a working Mum.
  5. Pointless it may be but it's got you all chatting aint it lol, further info regarding meadowhall visits (again from the trusty source of my Gran lol) it's roughly around 6.30-7pm she gets there and she arrives by number 76 bus! pmsl! Ah the things we learn from our grandparents eh! (i never was very good at convo starting lol)
  6. Got to love my Gran bless her! Was chatting about this subject to her and she blurted out "ooh yes i saw her today and asked her about that!" My Gran is a bit of a chatter box so i could only imagine how the poor girl must have felt to suddenly find herself being questioned by her lol. Anyway to get to the point, my Gran basically stopped this poor girl in the street and asked her outright if she's relate to Kate Middleton. Gran said she was wary because the area is quite rough and if she was wrong it may not have been pleasant. Anyway, the girl apparently smiled politely, gave a nod of the head, said "Yes i am" then excused herself, told my Gran to have a nice day, and went on her way - so there you have it! confirmed from the horses mouth (just incase anyone gives a damn lol) ---------- Post added 30-07-2013 at 17:23 ---------- My Gran also said she knows she goes to Meadowhall every Thursday (how she knows that i've no idea) but she is usually there with her female friend who is about 5'2 and quite plump, i'm not certain on what Kate's cousin herself looks like (this info is from word of mouth only) but i know she's dark haired and weari it in a pony tail (as if that will narrow it down much lol) just thought i'd say so if you're in Meadowhall on Thursday you never know you could walk right past her and not even know if coz this is not very helpful at all lol
  7. I know you wasn't having a go lol i wasn't aiming that at you i was merely saying in general (sometimes i word things wrong) apologies.
  8. No she's not a chav, from what i could gather from my Gran she is really well spoken but apparently she dresses to fit in with her area (i'm only repeating what i've heard so please don't attack me!) she has met Kate too. She lives very close to Hinde House Infant school if that helps? I'm not sure where that is but some of you might do so thought i'd say. and i know some of you don't give two farts lol but some may be interested which is my reason for sharing.
  9. I'm not sure what to think of this but i believe it's true as it came from my Gran and she wouldn't make things up. It's quite exciting! Kate Middleton (as in The Dutchess of cambridge) has a cousin living in Sheffield, about a 5 minute drive from Meadowhall. I have a name but i'm not going to share that on here as it's not my place to. But my gran knows her and she's said that although she dresses in tracksuit bottoms she is very well spoken and my gran has even confirmed she is a relative of Kate Middleton. It's quite exciting to think we have royalty (kind of) in our midst!!
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