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Posts posted by Jabroni

  1. There is widespread use because the full weight of the law isnt applied to people caught with cannabis . The police dont prosecute people for possessing it , instead giving on street cannabis warnings. The law needs to hammer people for cannabis possession.


    Well how do you explain places like Portugal who have decriminalised it, recording lower use of cannabis, when measured against the countries population in comparison to here?


    One could make an argument that all the chavs smoke it because it is widely available and prohibited, youths have always rebelled.


    At least Portugal have experimented, and it's working for them.


    An other argument against your claim could be that police resources are stretched with the war on cannabis, and funding could be better spent on other areas of policing.

  2. Should Cannabis be legalised ?.......................... NEVER


    There should though be a change in the legislation regarding Cannabis to re-class it as a Class A drug so people caught pedaling and possessing it can be given long jail sentences to act as a deterrent to others thinking of possessing/cultivating or dealing cannabis.


    Care to elaborate? Why do you think this?

  3. That is one thing I agree on, yes the problem is the kind of idiots we see smoking it in the street, walking past children in prams and schools :rant: and yes I know there are many people who use it in a decent way and do not force it on others, Like I said do as you please in privacy, I just think legalisation would make the problem worse and it will become the norm. I do not wish for my children to live in that kind of country.


    What I have found is where you live does make a difference, I have actually not seen one person smoking it in the street where I now live and its been 8 months, where I am talking about was my old estate and it was everywhere, and each one of them did not care at all, even if I expressed my discust and told the children loudly to move out of the way, the culprit just looked at me blankly and wondered what my problem is, as it smells so nice to some people:confused: I do not take anywere near as much offence if my children are not with me.



    Fair enough, but legalisation doesn't mean it will be acceptable to smoke in public. I agree with you, keep it away from kids.

  4. The smell may be nice to you, but some find it offensive, it actually makes me want to vomit, it is rank, and even worse when it is ingrained in my childrens clothes after walking through a cloud of it near the school gates, so glad I moved to get away from that kind of ignorance.


    As I've said, most decent people wouldn't dream of hanging around a school smoking a joint.


    What about the shop doorways and alleyways that reek of urine because of drunks? That smell IS rank, as you put it. And it lingers for weeks.


    Should we ban alcohol, yes or no?

  5. And what?


    Why would you presume I like the smell of exhausts and cigarette fumes?


    ---------- Post added 14-06-2013 at 22:21 ----------


    The kind of people that already walk around the streets smoking it will continue to do so without any repercussions what so ever. :(



    Presumably they are the same thicko's that stroll back from the pub or stumble out of taxis spewing their guts up and making a racket, stopping for a pee against our property on the way past.


    The problem isn't cannabis, the problem is inconsiderate morons. Idiots smoke weed too, but as usual there is lack of mitigation for decent folk, which are the majority btw.

  6. I voted no because some people smoke it stood at the school gates, bus stop or shops, and just walking the streets, and me having to take my children past them, some have no shame and I think do what you want in privacy but have some respect for other people who do not wish to have thier own children stinking of it.


    Since I moved I have not had to deal with this but where ever I live I should not have to be in that position, if it is legalised I feel this will become the street norm. I do not want my children living and breathing that stuff, it is not acceptable.


    But car exhaust & cigarette fumes are ok, because presumably you enjoy those smells? I don't.


    I think it's quite unfair to say that if legislation were passed, people will become complacent and discard responsibility & common human decency.


    The smell of it is hardly offensive either, it's rather nice. People are only offended because they have it drilled into them that they should be. Most people are intrigued by the smell, rather than disgusted by it. The passive scent of cannabis is harmless.

  7. The vote looks pretty even, and I'd bet it would be on a national scale, if it was anything like how America voted.


    So why the hell are we throwing, young fathers, mothers, sons and daughters... The terminally ill and people with no previous convictions in prison for growing a plant?


    It's not a crime, not in the eyes of the morally equipped, only in the eyes of a law, a law that is out of date and long overdue a reform.

  8. there has been a lot of research done on the effects of cannabis, I quoted just one case where I have been personally involved, to suggest that he is the only person to have suffered a personality disorder through taking cannabis i.e. skunk is absurd.


    A vote is just one person's opinion, why bother to have a vote at all. If your going to strike every vote. You don't agree with. As a member of Sheffield Forum. I have been asked my opinion..... I gave it.


    I too have lost somebody through cirrhosis of the liver, but let's not get off subject.



    Some people do have an inherent predisposition which clashes with cannabis and consumption of it, it just doesn't mix with some people.


    Another little known fact, is there is two types of chemicals in cannabis that we react to, thc & cbd.


    Like dog breeds, there is many different types of strains of cannabis, containing different genetics, some have high thc, some have high cbd. Some have a mixture of both.


    Thc and cbd have been known to either benefit, or have adverse effects within certain groups who suffer from a sometimes undiagnosed medical condition.


    When we buy our weed off the street, we haven't a damn clue what's in it. In America they have medical marijuana advisors within dispensaries who will sell unconflicting and beneficial weed to a patient. Based on his/her needs.


    I respect your opinion by the way, both sides of the argument are very welcome indeed. I'm glad you have backed up your vote with your views, which is more than can be said for others.

  9. Yes he is a big bugger, nobody has answered yet tho Jabbers has Lita left or coming back fella.


    I would imagine he's on ours and a few others' radar mate. Would love him to come back if we can bring some creative midfielders in to, we seemed to be lumping it up to him a lot and he's not the biggest bloke.


    I'd love him back personally, he's a class above anything we've got.

  10. Would be nice to see the media take a neutral stance on cannabis and report it fairly.


    It was refreshing for me to hear Professor David Nutt speak about it, he is the the ex-government advisor on drugs. He was sacked for telling it how it is.


    You can find many videos of David Nutt on youtube, if you are interested in what he has to say.


    I don't even smoke it, I used to smoke a lot. It's too expensive now and the quality is often rubbish, so I packed it in 5 years ago.


    The reason why prohibition disgusts me, is because they will quite happily sell me cigarettes and alcohol, but I am a criminal if I go and buy a bag of weed. They should be labelled the criminals (politicians) bunch of corrupt hypocrites if you ask me.

  11. Talking realistically if United make top ten then good 1st season for Weir, anything above that is a bonus. People do have to realise he's in a position now of relaying the foundations for the club, Rome wasn't built in a day.


    At S6 sorry to say but they've got to be looking at mid-table minimum, to 6th to class the season as a success. In Owls fans own words DJ has lived on the glory or taking them up with GM's team, when he tried his own it went tits up.


    If you get off to a bad start and don't recover then the brown stuff beckons, and trust me MM won't be so lenient on him this season.


    The same applies to both clubs next, both could well rely on youth and loanees next season heavily, but if it brings success then that generates the revenue to bring in better players, the season after. I mean after all it could mean promotion for one or both, or both having very good seasons, but I'm sorry I will still say you've got the wrong bloke in charge.


    Fair assessment of where the blades should be finishing. I'm expecting lower mid table for us in all honesty, don't think we'll be much better in terms of quality, but we have a years experience under our belt.


    Remains to be seen if Gardener and Kirkland can stay fit for another full season, key players for us. Gardener is a beast. Think we'll be having a dabble in the loan market again.

  12. For me, it's not as harmful as alcohol or cigarettes as mentioned above, the only harm to communities, families and individuals comes from prohibition, I don't want it legalised for medical reasons only, I want it regulated and sold for recreational and social purposes as well as medical.


    I wonder if a lot of people are just clicking no without giving a reason, just because it's illegal?


    Slavery was legal, once upon a time. Laws can be changed in light of new opinions and evidence.


    ---------- Post added 14-06-2013 at 17:24 ----------


    I voted no because it might make peoples legs fall off.


    As daft as your comment is, people have been put in wheel chairs during robberies of cannabis crops, there is a roaring black market trade which is open to exploitation by violent criminals. All down to prohibition.


    Quite ironic that the effects of cannabis makes people feel relaxed and mellow.

  13. Should cannabis be legalised in the UK? (Please read the rules)


    1. No personal bickering if possible, feel free to debate but stay on topic.

    2. Vote in the poll and then give your reasons for or against.




    I will join the debate and vote after people have had a chance to voice their opinions. Go go go :hihi:

  14. I like the Russians in general as I've worked with a few over the years and they've been fine with me. Same with the Poles who are great to work with.


    I don't however like the French or Germans, the former because we got them out of a mess in WWII and if it wasn't for us they'd all be speaking German!!! yet they hate our guts huh?


    The latter, because of the holocaust and not only the Jews but others too. Hence I will never own a VW!


    However its each to their own eh?


    What about a Ford?

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