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Posts posted by mbarret

  1. Please don't leave fridges and freezers out for the scrap men. All they do is cut the guts out of the back , compressor etc , releasing all the harmful gasses into the atmosphere. The then leave the shell behind.


    This is not a one of situation i have witnessed , these days every scrap fridge i have seen on the pavement has had the same fate.


    Years ago they would take the lot, i can only assume with tighter fridge disposal regulations, the scrap men now have difficulty in disposing of them.


    Ask a friend / relative to take to the local dump if you have no transport , also at my local dump , Blackstock Rd , the staff are very friendly and are more than happy to help the elderly and infirm , and even the pretty girls unload heavy items.

  2. bet theres loads of stuff about this we dont know but lets not let stop us eh?


    Thats a fair point , we tend to hear only what people want us to, but what i read was disgusting behaviour , and whilst he has been allowed to keep his job, he seems to have received no punishment , am i really meant to respect this man , a man on public service and rank ?


    ---------- Post added 20-01-2017 at 20:21 ----------


    Lewd comments while unpleasant are clearly not, and quite rightly, a sackable offence.


    He is not basically a 'perv'. His language was ill chosen. I don't imagine he intended to insult the woman but rather pay her a compliment. However, what may have been acceptable in previous decades has become a no go area due to the pc world that pcs now live in.


    The assertion that the masons are involved is fatuous nonsense.


    Cut the guy a little slack. He made a verbal mistake.


    Move on.


    No its not nonsense , i said i "bet" , i bet brighton win tonight, they might not.


    Cut the guy some slack, he is a sergeant , 21 years of service , should be a role model to young collegues, get a grip.


    Made a verbal mistake, nobody is going to make a complaint against a long serving officer over one silly comment......MOVE ON.


    ---------- Post added 20-01-2017 at 20:29 ----------


    Further more, owethemnowt , why should lewd comments not be a sackable offence, I ,you and everyone else in the workplace has a right to peace, happiness and comfort in the work eviorement.

  3. It's the worst of all worlds really isn't it? Poo left where it was originally will at least biodegrade, but by the time it's shut inside a plastic bag it's going to hang around as long as the plastic film holds up.


    I do, on occasion, pick up Molly's poo and leave it by the side of the path if we're on a walk which would mean going backwards a significant distance to get to the poo bin, then I collect it on the way back in the opposite direction, but that's not the same thing as collecting poo, carefully bagging it and then abandoning it somewhere silly.


    I wonder how people would answer the question of why they are doing it if you were to catch them at it and ask.


    WHY ?? , its disgusting, your dog has crapped, take it with you and dispose of when you find a bin, never mind the return journey , bag it and bin it.. SIMPLES !!

  4. Hi Pete, i had a similar problem with virgin some months ago, except my internet would cut out intermittently. This was to the point where the service was almost unusable.


    I initially had a similar response in that it was due to demand and works to update the problem were not due to be completed for some 2 months time !!!


    After a couple of heated phone calls, i got £10 knocked of my bill. I proceeded to call them again, explaining that not only my service was slow, it was unusable.


    An engineer came out , checked the cabinet at end of street etc. All good there etc, wait for the improvements !!!!


    I did not let it lie, another engineer came out , he was a bit more thorough, he had an app on what looked like a mobile phone , this showed the speed was actually fluctuating all the time.


    Cut a long story short, he sorted the problem out within 10 minutes. The connectors in the brown box on the side of the house were loose, he sorted them out and the problem was solved. Well before the upgrade works were due to be completed.


    With regards to speed, i recently downgraded my speed from 100 to 50 mbs ( the teckies here know what i mean ) . I did this to save money , i have not noticed any difference to my service. I still watch netflix, you tube , listen to spotify without any noticeable effect.

  5. Dear Forum, the police will hold whatever records they see fit to hold on you, it is up to you to request to see those records ( a fee may be involved ) . I would think if you were interviewed the a record is held on your file, regarding the interview.


    A common misconception regarding the disclosure procedure is that powers that be can release any details held.


    This is incorrect...for example....if you beat up a person, go to court and admit your offence, regardless of the circumstances, you have shown honesty.


    You then apply for a job in a supermarket on the till , the powers that be cannot say that you are a dishonest person and may pose a risk to the takings of the shop.


    The disclosure procedure quite rightly is only relevant for the purpose of the position applied for.

  6. My Son recently took his car for a mot at a local ( local to him ) garage, it failed on several items.


    He is a new driver and lives some 30 odd miles away, he phoned me up in a panic, he thought his car was scrap. I asked him to calm down and read out the mot failure to me, i told him not to worry, and to send me a photo of the failure certificate.


    After reading the failure notice i assured him that it was not the end of the world and i will fix it.


    Ok , so it failed on ( for the mechanics ) on bottom ball joints , both sides ( rubbers perished so as not to prevent the ingress of dirt.


    Anti roll bar link arms, both sides , same reason, rubbers split/ perished.


    A number plate bulb out, and also a tyre.


    THIS IS MY PROBLEM ...........


    On the failure certificate, the examiner scribbled down the side what each item would cost to put right, £130 here , £80 here etc.


    The total quote was £575.




    I bought the parts and repaired the car, he had new tyre fitted.




    I opted to have them fix it, being estranged from my son, at an additional cost of £138.


    I know i cant apply for a VT17 , as work has been done on the vehicle since its origional failure, but is there any avenue for complaint.


    Its my opinion that if the examiner crossed it out, it did not need attention.


    The car has now passed its mot, at a total cost of £247 , considerably less than the origional quote.


    Sensible replies would be much appreciated.

  7. If nobody wasted their time complaining, then the people responsible for the status of the roads wont do anything at all. If everyone who had a genuine complaint, made a claim those might think that something had to be done. I have a friend , his front suspension has failed on a very posh car, in his opinion it is down to pot holes. The main dealer quote is £2000, after four weeks of badgering, those people are now paying for it.


    What i dont understand is that we all know the roads are not in a good state of repair, why dont people drive accordingly.


    "I've had to have two springs replaced this year because of the roads........"


    Slow down.....dont break your car !!!!

  8. I went in a greggs today, and bought a sausage roll. 80p to take out, or £1.10 to eat in. This has something to do with paying vat, or tax to eat in. If it vat then 20% of 80p is not 30p, so why does it cost £1.10p.


    I think i might be missing a point here, perhaps they are charging me 30p for the pleasure of sitting down to eat my roll.


    Mcdonalds dont charge extra, and neither to Kfc.


    A little info on why would be helpful,

  9. Sorry , i misunderstood your post. Now i understand why you are asking for advice. Think you need to get together with your neighbour and perhaps have a handy relative/friend come look at both properties and take it from there.


    Not much advice,but if the problem is next door then the landlord should deal with it. likewise if the problem is with you then you should.

  10. Your first point of call should be your landlord, its sounds simple, but it really is, you have a problem in your home, let him know, if you dont then he cant sort the problem out.


    if the problem is related to the propert next door, then your landlord can deal with your neighbours or the property owner to resolve the problem.


    good luck and hope you get it sorted soon.

  11. I have been assaulted tonight by a young man in the sharrow area of sheffield this evening. I was walking my dog and was shoved of the pavement by a young male, who was accompanied by 3 friends.


    i dialled 101 as soon as i got home, only to be met with a very obnoxious reply that if i was ok , what did i expect the police to do.


    Naturally i am not very happy. I should be able to walk along the streets in peace. I just feel that the attitude of the local police service fell below what i thought i could expect.


    p.s. If you had a window on your car smashed on Wostenholme rd, sheffield s7/s11. it was the same gang.


    Positive replys to how i can complain to the police would be appreciated.

  12. The police take a lot of criticism so it's nice to hear something positive. Shame on the scumbags that did the nasty act in the first place.


    They do take a lot of stick, and to be honest i have given them lots in the past, but today they were absolute diamonds, i know it was only ketchup, but an old lady had her home defaced, well done south yorks police.

  13. I would like to express my thanks to the 101 service, and the local police.


    This morning i went to mow the lawn of an elderly friend, and she had , overnight had her front door and frame smeered with ketchup. She was in a real pickle, proper upset about it.


    She wanted to contact the police, and i was concerned that they might take it as a minor issue and just fob her off, so i decided that to save her some even more heartbreak that i would contact 101, and if the fob me off, i would be in a better position to handle it.


    I dialled 101 and spoke to a lovely operator and within 45 mins or so, two police officers arrived and , well they were just perfect.


    Within an hour of my arriving to cut the grass, and seeing a lovely friend and elderly neighbour shaking like a leaf, two strapping young coppers arrived , sat down with her and had a chat.


    My friend is now getting some window and door contacts fitted, free of charge, here home is now going to be monitored, as best as possible by the local police.


    Having been on the wrong side a couple of times in my past, i would like to say a huge thank you to the 101 service and the two bobby's that came out today, you made an elderly lady feel a whole lot more secure.


    Thank you. xx

  14. And what law's do you consider i should brush up on CYCLONE, and what part of the highway code,


    56,000 posts makes me think you have nothing better to do than come on here trolling.


    I made a genuine and legitimate comment on my opinion of cyclists in general, my opinion.


    As for me complaining about cyclists taking up the same room as motorists, i think you need to brush up on your reading skills, my complaint was quite clearly a lack of respect from the majority of cyclists towards other road users, plain and simple.


    sad sad man.

  15. Read this thread again. When riding in groups the Highway Code suggests that it's safer for cyclists not to ride in single file, as it makes it easier for other road users to over take them.


    The problem arrises from drivers that do not know the Highway Code getting all flustered and angry. Maybe a few refresher driving lessons might not only help you out, it may make the road a little safer for everyone?



    I am very capable of reading, my spelling might be a little dodgy, and i did read the tread completely, hence my points about the careful cyclist, being respectful and acknowledging other traffics presence.


    I referred to comments about "should cyclists be taxed" , i put my opinion forward.


    I have been a driver for 28 years now, passed first time , never had a motoring conviction and have full no claims comprehensive insurance. I also cycled in my younger days.


    I do not need to read the highway code, i have been driving longer than most of these cyclists have been born, i suggest you read my previous post again, my main point, just to help you out, was my annoyance at the ignorance most cyclists have towards other road users.


    I can assure you, that the only people who actually disagree with my comments, are cyclists themselves.


    Rest assured, i shall not enter into further discussion with you, i have made my point and opinions clear, i have better things to do with my time.

  16. In my opinion, cyclists are a menace on the roads, yesterday, for the first time in years, i was approaching a cyclist from behind , he/she looked over the shoulder , acknoledged i was behind him/her and indicated with right arm to make a right turn. Hats off to that person.


    yet so many times, especially when i commute to Stockport via castleton on a weekend, gangs of them, probably from a cycle club are riding two, sometimes 3 abreast and they will not single file to allow cars to pass , they know they have a huge queue of traffic behind them, but i have to wait sometime a couple of miles for a safe place to pass.


    They know the problem they are causing, but because they are in a group, they have safety in numbers, if one wishes to remonstrate with them, they have back up from the rest of the group.


    Do i like cyclists, No i do not, would i make them pay road tax? , no i would not. But if i was a police officer on patrol , i would pull up the whole group and deal with each individual for impeding the flow of traffic , if such a law exists in England.

  17. Not sure if its just you, but it works for me, cans etc in the bin, paper & card in the box, everything else in the black bin, i dont have a problem.


    dont think i would get all my waste in the black bin since fortnightly collections were introduced, and recycling is good.


    As for the service, many threads come up on here about missed collections etc, i personally cannot complain, its been an excellent service.

  18. I have a "rolling chassis" i need rid of, its a rover 214 and i bought another and have used the old one as a donor for parts, so it no longer runs, but has a good engine.


    Does anyone have any idea which company will come and lift it away, do the correct paperwork, i have the log book, and maybe give me some beer tokens?

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