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Everything posted by karlgwilson

  1. I think the "big money" would be in developing the whole back-end stock control software and licensing that to the breweries - the fact that it allows the use of mobile app is an added selling point; not only could customers see if their favourite ale is available but the company execs/regional managers would have a world of data at their fingertips. Again I'm sorry you're dissapointed; I can only ask you to bear with it unitl it becomes something magical, buesides if you're that hard up for 69p perhaps you shouldn't have an iPhone. I've already made enquiries into porting to andriod, I had intended to hire a programmer to do the port, but I only wanted to do it the once - i.e. when the app was ready. I chose the iPhone primarily because it was the device I own and the consistancy across the IOS devices - I'm led to believe they're a lot of fragmentation across the android range.
  2. @salsafan In retrospect maybe I should have gone for the free "lite" version and added a paid version later but I'm a little weary of backtracking now as it wouldn't be fair on anyone who's already paid. The idea originated from a few friends and I searching for a new watering hole on Google Maps (of all things); we found many errors - pubs completely missing, pubs listed that had closed down and pubs that were in the wrong place. Thus the "Pubsof" app was born and the list of functionalities that it will eventually contain comes from many discussions with likeminded drinkers - market research of sorts. I love the idea of a live stock checker, probably impossible to implement across all pubs but for a chain like Weatherspoons it should be pretty straight forward - Argos has something similar. You should patent it before they get wind of it and make a fortune!
  3. Good point about people already living in Sheffield, one that hadn't occurred to me - I moved away from Sheffield when I joined the Navy at 23 so didn't really have a set of "locals" as such; now every time I'm back I like to try as many different places as possible - making up for lost time I know what you mean about similar apps being poor, one of the reasons for me making this app but I've got some really good features planned (as soon as I can figure out to make it happen) - I'm loathe to discuss them on a public forum in the fear that a more experienced programmer steals my ideas and beats me to it. I've already got the student angle covered but hadn't given much thought visitors til now - there's definitely something there.. Thanks for your input.
  4. I know what you mean and there's also the option of having a free version with ads too. My idea with the 69p price (the lowest price except free) was that once the app is bursting at the seams with cool features I'd up the price to £1.49 or £1.99 but all the early adopters who paid 69p would get the updates free (sort of as a thank you in return for any feedback and help). I guess if 69p really is too much I'll have to rethink my strategy - what does anyone else think?
  5. Sorry your disappointed - but if you had more constructive feedback I could try to make future versions more to your liking, remember all updates are free... For example; the next update currently going through the approval process adds the option to select satellite view on the map and displays the distance from your current location in meters. The next thing I'm woking on is to add a second list of the pubs in order of distance from your current location. Programming is only a hobby for me and I'm still learning. The whole point of the post was see what people would like to see included an app like this; give it a chance and it'll soon be all-singing-all-dancing...
  6. Hi all, I've just developed an iPhone app which details all the pubs in Sheffield - for all those interested here's the link: Search the App Store for "Pubs of Sheffield" (I can't post links just yet...) The current version is a little basic but there's an update in the works which adds more features - should be available in a couple of weeks I'd be grateful of any feedback and recommendations, especially concerning pub closures or openings as I only get back to Sheffield every couple of months now so I'm a little out of touch. Thanks Karl
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