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Everything posted by IAMHOSD

  1. I am from Peterborough originally, we have lots of cycle ways. Not so here in Sheffied. I dont blame you for being scared. I am not a slow coach, I love speed, get me on the motorway I love to go fast. But I dont do it on roads with speed limits of 30 mph, or 40 mph. The other day I was going down shrewsbury avenue, sometimes it is a bit slow moving. Can take a whole 5 to 8 minutes to get through the lights. One morning someone overtook everybody, drove straight down and then cut in front of everybody, I was hoping a car or bus would come up but no the idiot got away with it. People are very selfish on the roads now. Not much give and take
  2. I love driving, I have had my licence over 30 years. I want to do 30 mph if I am in a 30 mph zone, it is 30 mph for a reason. I get in the correct lane, and wait patiently to get in the correct lane if it is really busy. Not once have I ever cut in front of someone because I was to lazy or impatient. But now it seems it is everyman for themselves. I have seen the worst driving in the last couple of months since I have had my driving licence. The yellow box, does anybody no what that is there for anymore. Seems not. Roundabouts, not supposed to go on if you cant exit, no one does that. Just block it up, never no mind about anybody else. Lane to turn left, go straight on or turn right, that seems out the window. Why should they wait behind you when going straight on, when the can get in the lane turning right and just cut you up. Happened twice this week to me. Am I in the minority with this? I retire in about 10 years time I dont think I will be driving to work then. The roads will be even more dangerous. Shame.
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