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Posts posted by Muldoon

  1. let's try looking at it thusly:-



    Marriage =


    a) = the social institution under which a couple establish their decision to live as a couple by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.


    b) = the state of being united to another person as a couple in a consensual and contractual relationship, recognized by law

    Well that rules out a lot then .... :(

  2. Quote:

    Originally Posted by medusa

    It looks like you've been caught in one of the anti-spam traps Rob, so your account is still showing as awaiting moderation. I can see but not change this, so you will have to use the 'Contact Us' link to ask for someone to change you over to 'Registered' status.


    RobfromLeeds replies:

    Already did that a couple of months ago and got no reply, so haven't bothered with it since.


    I only wanted to post on the 'best curry house in Leeds' thread (it's Hansas). But the thread is probably well down the list now so I can't really be bothered.



    Muldoon says: (at risk of getting another unexplained holiday) Now where have I heard that before... ???

  3. I take my three dogs walks up there and have had issues with the Rotties at the Ridgeway arms. Fortunately I carry a very heavy walking stick that keeps ALL nasty dogs at bay. If a dog is off the lead and bearing its teeth as it runs at you or your dog then Whack it with the stick as hard as you can. If dogs are prone to attacking other dogs then they should either be on a lead or muzzled or both.

  4. Tell him to get lost!.


    Sheffield forum is a bad place to buy or sell anything, you will either be ripped off or have a dozen idiots message you offering 1/10th the amount you asked for even if the post itself mentions no offers.


    Just ignore the plonker!


    SF is Not a bad place to buy or sell things !! I have done both and have been surprised at how cheap things are to buy and how polite purchasers have been. Some people will obviously try and knock you down on price that goes without saying but if you offer your goods at a realistic price then you will sell your item without having to bother with the tyre kickers...

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