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Posts posted by aliceBB

  1. The most implausible aspect of Corrie is what happens to the babies.


    They are born, dramatically enough... then permanently ignored. They are (apparently) left upstairs for weeks on end and never mentioned. Their parents go to the pub with no reference to who's minding them. The adults get on with their lives undisturbed by sleep deprivation, the need to play with their children, take them to the doctors, cuddle them or generally behave in a parentlike way. There is no sign of the baby's existence in the house.


    The recent representation of Faye's experience of childbirth at 13 is about as unrealistic as you can get. Social Services would have been involved...someone would have said 'Do you want to keep this baby, or have it adopted?', not just assume that she did.


    I'm also keen to know how the scriptwriters are going to explain Deidre's absence.Are they just going to pretend she never existed, or what?

  2. I'm guessing that if the house was unoccupied it's unlikely to be insured.


    OP's comment in #3 suggests otherwise.


    However, if not, that was madness. An unoccupied property is a bigger risk than an occupied one and should be insured from Day One after completion.

  3. It was in the house we haven't moved into as yet, there's a lot of work still ongoing. The alarm was on, but we presume it was one of the tradesmen as they got in and disabled the alarm. There was no forced entry either. Any insurance company would not count it as a theft as they had the access


    Don't give up too soon.


    Have you reported the theft to the police and obtained a crime reference number?


    If so, then make a claim.


    If not, then why not?

  4. After signing the contract on a beautiful student room in Ecclesall my daughter has decided not to return to uni. I need to advertise her room to get someone to take over the contract.


    Does anyone know of anyone who would be interested or know of any good places/sites to advertise it.


    Is this a room in a shared house on a joint tenancy, or an AST tenancy with your daughter as the sole tenant? Is it a private let, or a student block? And (crucially) when is it for?


    Please be aware that unless you do find someone acceptable to the landlord, you remain liable for the rent and her other responsibities for the whole of the fixed term (assuming it's an AST - is it?)


    I've always found accommodationforstudents very useful for advertising rooms and whole houses. You could also contact the Accommodation Office in the Student Union - they often have details of individuals seeking accommodation.

  5. Everyone is allowed to conceive but it appears that social services doesn't allow everyone to parent their own children, they deem some people unfit to parent so confiscate the children.


    I find it odd that social services can deem someone unfit to parent but not unfit to conceive, once they are deemed unfit to parent they might as well be sterilized, then the child won't have to suffer the consequences of council care which often leads to prison.


    Oh dear. You really don't get it, do you?

  6. I've given this some thought and I think I may have spotted a flaw.


    Wouldn't it be better to do it the other way around?


    You apply for a licence and if you're not considered suitable you're then neutered.


    Your way could lead to a drastic fall in the population! :o


    I was thinking that, too...once you've been neutered, what's the chance of being successfully de-neutered?!


    I should also be interested to see the 'suitability' test. What form would it take? Leaving applicants alone with a small child for a weekend in a house with CCTV in every room, to see how well they cope, would be a bit unethical, really.


    The truth is that the children make the parents, as well as the other way round. And your own children affect your behaviour very differently from other people's. Sometimes the most unpromising human beings come into their own when they have a small dependant being whom they love and who loves them. Sometimes the most (apparently) savvy adults turn out to be disastrous in their parenting.


    I don't know how to stop the feckless from reproducing; I suspect nobody has a practical solution which would be acceptable this side of N.Korea. All we can do is make sure the children are protected. They didn't ask to be born.

  7. How reliable is the process of reversible sterilisation?


    ---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 16:34 ----------


    I have no problem with people having as many kids as they want so long as they have the means to support them...this guy and his hareem must have cost the taxpayer millions..


    That is another issue and has already been covered ad nauseam on other threads.

  8. Even if you interpret the original question as 'should we prevent babies being born to demonstrably feckless parents like Mike Holpin', the answer is simple.


    Babies are not being born to Mike Holpin, since he is a man. They are being born to his female sexual partners. If those women are also demonstrably incapable of raising those infants themselves, the children will end up in care.


    The only way you can 'prevent those children being born' is by forcibly aborting them. Is that what you're recommending? Do you mean 'How can we prevent men like Holpin fathering children'?.


    Are you suggesting forcible vasectomies for adult men who father children with multiple partners, then neglect them?


    And if the men refuse to be sterilised, who's going to hold them down whikle a doctor does it?


    Think it through, think it through....

  9. 5


    Do we do enough to stop children being born to parents incapable of caring for them?


    Rather a pointless question, really.


    We cannot know for certain that someone will be a feckless and incompetent parent until they have had children.


    We (or social workers, or the police) can suspect in advance that they might not be capable - but in a free society, what do you propose? Mass sterilisation of anyone whom the authorities consider might not be a 'good' parent (whatever that is?).


    And who is to make the decision?


    No. All we can do is support the children of the feckless in whatever ways are deemed by child development experts to be in their best interests. (This may vary from child to child, depending on the situation) and better educate parents and would-be parents as to the realities of what they are embarking upon.

  10. Does anyone know if there is any procedure that can be taken.My brother in law as suffered back problems for years but his physio wont refer him for an MRI scan.He is laid up again at the moment.Even to go private he needs a referral.Any advice would be appreciated.


    Why does he think an MRI scan would be helpful?

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