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s2 blade

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Posts posted by s2 blade

  1. It used to be one that we in the West lived in.

    A World that is despised by so many in the East but that does not stop the millions invading its shores and bringing their medieval beliefs with them.


    You make a good point I've often wondered why so many ... Haters of the west , choose to come and live here and other western countries .

    It actually just confirms what my belief is ... They are jealous .

  2. The point is the poster I was responding to may well have been trying to up the ante by saying it was a terrorist act directed at Christians. It wasn't, it was directed at anyone who wasn't a Muslim.


    Which in my eyes makes it worse .

    By there way of thinking anybody who isn't a Muslim should be killed then !!!

    What do you think of people who think this way ?


    ---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 19:01 ----------


    Anyone of those religions/faiths can be interpreted in a way that would suit your interests/agenda. Islam is the flavour at mo. If Burma finds it's sitting on a sea of oil you just watch the Buddhists kick off.



    Only problem with Buddhists is we'd have threads like... "Should medical staff in hospitals be allowed to wear Orange?


    Islam is the flavour "at the mo" ........ No , islam is the most murderous evil dangerous cult "at the mo" worldwide . FACT

  3. You did not answer the question I put to you. Do you think it would happen if not for Islam. Your interpretation of an extremist is just a normal person to hundreds of millions of Muslims.


    Lets look at the last 3 days of Muslim attacks.


    2013.09.22 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Two Shahid suicide bombers obliterate over sixty worshippers at a church service.


    2013.09.21 (Azamiyah, Iraq) - Fundamentalist gunmen kill four people at a store selling alcohol.


    2013.09.21 (Nairobi, Kenya) - Nearly sixty shoppers are murdered by Islamic activists in a targeted attack on non-Muslims at a shopping mall.


    2013.09.21 (Sadr City, Iraq) - Women and children are amply represented among over seventy people massacred by a Shahid suicide bomber at a funeral.


    2013.09.20 (Shabwa, Yemen) - Three suicide bombings claim the lives of at least sixty-five local soldiers and guards.


    2013.09.20 (Samarra, Iraq) - Terrorists detonate two bombs at a rival mosque, which snuff out the lives of eighteen worshippers.


    I`m sure you will defend Islam until your dying breath but even a moderately intelligent person can see some sort of pattern surely. To Muslims, Jihad isn’t an act of violence, it’s an act of faith.


    While not all Muslims support every act of terror, nearly all Muslims support some acts of terror. They define acts that they disapprove of as terrorism and acts that they approve of as resistance like those in any country that is invaded.


    The two countries that most people label as "moderates" in the Muslim world are Turkey and Indonesia. It Just so happens both these countries have committed genocide against non Muslims in the last 100 years.


    What is a moderate anyway. Is there a definition.


    Nearly 300 dead in just 3 days. In August 1616 people were killed with 3412 critically injured in 260 Jihad attacks. I`m sure that will not be headline though. The media doesn`t like reporting it.


    Excellent post .

    Funny how its not been responded too .

  4. before the season started you lot wanted out of this "tinpot league" above anything else :suspect:


    4 years in it?


    Things have changed since then we've lost our best player haven't had the rub of the green .

    Now we have investment and are trying to build a team from scratch so time will tell .

  5. If you love your club S2[and i know you do]apart from the fact evans scored goals,and no doubt king will also,doesnt it bother you that a bloke who is on the sex register,one who commited rape the other who punched a female student in the face [plus 13 more offences]wears the red/white stripes and represents your club.


    Gazza it doesn't bother me one bit pal really it doesn't because at the end of the day they've got a right to work just like me and you have , and if there profession is football then that's what they are going to do .

    These players will never be hero's for obvious reasons but they can still be good players at our clubs , regardless of what they've done previously .

    If your in prison for a crime you've committed obviously your not playing your serving your sentence , but once released then its upto them what they do .

  6. NOBODY has defended the UAF, as usual the EDL supporting fanatics of the forum seem more fixated with the UAF in EDL threads than the EDL

    i think the point is..........if the EDL didnt exist, thered be no UAF to get violent, their whole being was created in response to the violent hateful antics of the EDL, fight fire with fire springs to mind


    Why was the Uaf formed in 2003 and the edl 6 years later in 2009 then ?

  7. doesnt matter what most people think the clubs signed him and thats that.deal with it

    same as any tom dick or harry who finds himself on the wrong side of the law at sometime in there lifes .he was tried and convicted and SERVED HIS TIME


    for god sake he probably got a family or kids should be able to go and ply his footballing employment where he wants


    yes they are all in it for the money


    footballers nowadays get enough abuse from everyday crowds of rival supporters for anything (nothing new there)


    Exactly . Top post

  8. Nope. Neither do i know Peter Suttcliffe, Myra Hindley or Gary Glitter.


    Anyway S2, i'm not earning a ban for you, we've stated our opinions and i'm happy to be judged on mine, so i wont be further replying to you.


    Comparing Myra Hindley , Peter Sutcliffe and Gary Gliter to Marlon King :loopy:

    Il just let people judge you on that ridiculous statement



    ---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 22:12 ----------


    Very harsh, some people want what is right for their team.

    It's not like they themselves have gone or will go out and do what he has.




    The cash, yeah, no idea why that's brought up.


    RE working again, I feel everyone should be given a second chance, he has gone way over the number of chances that someone who is privileged enough to be a footballer should have.


    And we don't know enough about him to make a judgement.


    But he's here now, and he will do well.



    I want what's best for Sheffield United and right now that's Marlon King

    His PAST convictions are of no concern to me . Simple

  9. It's not about being a do gooder is it though? It's about an opinion of what you feel is right.




    It is our business regards our players though.

    We contribute to his wages, so we are always going to have an opinion on, just like you have.


    Yes it's about everybody sitting on their high horses judging somebody they don't even know . Half of the people judging him won't even be at the game Saturday because they don't attend .

    He has committed crimes and served the sentences , so what now he never has the right to work again ? Then we move on to the " he is only here for the cash " remarks ...Newsflash ...they all are .


    ---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 22:02 ----------


    Not for me Robbie. Can't stand the bloke.

    Those supporting this signing need to take a good long look at themselves as humans.


    Do you know him personally not to be able to stand him?

  10. He doesn't care mate, everyone who heard that interview knows it. All he's bothered about is the cash.


    Isn't that what all footballers care about , or just the ones with criminal records ?


    ---------- Post added 18-09-2013 at 21:48 ----------


    As i said, morally bereft. :roll:


    Like I said .... Do gooder

  11. On track.


    The EDL are ''Political'' extremists bent upon confrontation/trouble like their cowardly 'heroes' the nazis, many of whom, also like their fallen heroes, are convicted criminals, and all are racists.


    Why the Council allow yet another futile but expensive 'march/protest' by a cowardly bunch of thugs and morons is beyond any decent person.


    Excellent summary of the EDL

    What about the UAF ? They are the reason for (at least) half the police bill

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