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Posts posted by crossowl

  1. Hi Crossowl. I'm going to take a guess..are you Alan Vanezzi? I'm not sure I was that quiet (at least not out of school) & my brothers name is Tony Camm but you're right about the rest! Wish I was that slim now!!

    If I'm wrong, see if Pete can guess!

    Hi Kate, I saw Alan Vanezzi last year in Hillsborough but he was and still is a lot taller than me. Oh yes Tony Camm, how is he is and he still watching the Blades? Pete might remember my Green and Gold Lambretta LI 150 Scooter with loads of mirrors and backrest/headrest. I sometimes knocked about with Pete Callinswood who had a Vespa Sportique Scooter. I was in form 4/2 in my final year at school.( Pete was brighter than me)!!

    Any nearer?:|

  2. Hi crossowl sorry for the delay in responding but I've not been on Expats for a while , I am still in touch with Barbra Biggin and Kathlene Camm (as was) via another social media site. Yes I did go to Colley youth club and also Meynell club but ironically because I was one of the oldest of my club mates I could go to the Wordsworth Tavern or White Horse for a pint or three before going playing ping pong ( ha ha )

    Ps can you give me a clue who Crossowl is

    Hi Pete, My name is Alan, 5 - 5" black hair, slim, Fast runner (As was). Kath Camm was a lovely quiet girl as I remember her with long blonde hair, and quite tall and slim. ( Everybody was tall compared to me). Her brother Steve was a good lad too ( apart from being a blade) ha ha! I remmber Barbara Biggin too. Have you guessed who I am yet?:hihi:
  3. Back in the late 50's early 60's. My grandfather had a coach company and the former head teacher there Miss Handley, took part of the school to Flamborough and I went also. There must have been between 40 to 50 kids and they were all sat cross legged in a picket fence that surrounded her caravan. It's suprising how something can trigger the memory.

    Does anyone remember going there?


    Yes I started at Monteney in !956 or 57 and remember Miss Handley, I also went to Flamborough with the school (into the lighthouse). Miss Mycock was my teacher at the infants and I remember Miss Perry - Miss Leach, and Mr Roper at the Juniors.


    ---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 22:58 ----------


    I went to Monteney infants and juniors 1956 -1962

    Teachers I remember

    Mr Roper

    Mr Housden

    Miss Leach (ugh!)

    Mr Whrighston

    Mrs Wrightson nee Garside

    Headmaster Mr White, before him Mr Lewis


    I was there at the exact same time, and if we was in the same class i will have a picture of you. Miss Leach was awful and Mr Roper was very tough with certain pupils.

  4. I remember you Paul, and Alan Burley, etc. I also used to hang out with Steve Gaffney and a few of his "gang". My name is Ian Riches and I went to Colley from 70-75. Lived at 49 Rokeby Drive until I left school in April 75, when my Mum died. I joined the Navy and also lived in Skegness for a few years, but I live in North Carolina now.


    Hi Ian, I lived at 44 Rokeby Drive (opposite the Jennel) till I got married in 1975.

    I knew Steven Gaffney very well from when he was very young and was a terrific footballer. I was born in the living room in 1952 and knew practically everyone around there, I also know Alan Burley but not from the school - through fishing!


    ---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 19:34 ----------


    was anyone at colley around 64 67 i remember some names john gallivan anita dexster kath warren jacqueline pegg pat addams josie vincent my memorey int so good now they were all in my year love to know what became of them


    Hi Wackyjaki I was at Colley from 63 to 67 and know all those people you mention. Mr Mason was our form teacher in my final year. I loved the school and most of Parson Cross.


    ---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 19:37 ----------


    I remember all these names (pupils and teachers). I lived on Holgate Cres and went to Colley 1963-1967. Happy days!!


    Hi Kate I also was at Colley at the same time as you, and lived on Rokeby Drive, I know most of the names from one of your previous posts.


    ---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 19:42 ----------


    Hi everybody Monteney 56 to colley 67, I was known as hoppy and can reel loads of names off and remember the teachers good and not so good, but i can't remember what i just went upstairs for! but thats an age thing.

    Regarding the sheep and goat (hawkins & pricilla) I saw the guy who was assigned to look after them last week his name was Tony. It is great to look back and remember what we had but didn't realise.:loopy::loopy:


    Hi Pete, I remember you well as I started at Monteney in 56 leaving Colley in 67.

    You also went to Colley club on Remington Road if memory serves me well.:)

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