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Posts posted by BigDogStudio

  1. Digital Stationery run a blog with at the moment 3 male and 1 female guest blogger and we are looking for a girl to balance it out.


    The blog is about social media, eCommerce and general online business.


    You can have a look at our latest guest blogger addition here




    So are you a female who knows business, social media and likes to do a bit of guest blogging please contact me by pm or look me up on twitter

  2. I have played bf1942 since beta when I tested for EA and yea you can lay down in the PC version..

    I used to and still run several very popular battlefield servers and tbh very few games have a more loyal following then the bf series.


    I run cod servers as well and its a popular game but its a different age group.


    The kids like cod and the more older people enjoy the bf series more.

    Bf3 look really good and will probably be even more successful then the bad company series as bad company caters more to the cod oriented rather then the desert combat fans where bf3 will shine

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