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Posts posted by Guest_225

  1. Maybe this is old news, but it's new to me and probably worth sharing. Corning, who invented Pyrex sold their kitchenware range to a company called World Kitchen Inc.


    Pyrex kitchen products produced by World Kitchen are no longer made from borosilicate glass (Pyrex) but from Soda-lime glass and their packaging indicates that they must never be used over a flame, on stove tops, under a broiler, or in a toaster oven.


    Seems like there's been a lot of complaints of exploding cookware since the change over -



  2. Originally posted by lucyjuicy

    yeah something that dose not inv9olve taklin in it! thank you :cool: what are you listening on it?


    Do you mean how am I listening to it? I like Winamp best.


    Go to the AFB home page and just click on the icon of your preferred media player. There's option for fast or slow connection speeds - hey presto music will come throgh your speakers.


    If you have a laptop + wireless connection you can plug into your main music system.



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