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Everything posted by steelefist

  1. We could all meet up for a mess about footy game or something. or ice skating! then pubs later on
  2. Cool, I'm free to play every week, any day from next week. If a a few of ur mates r at the blades match i assume theyl b back next week r they? NeilM, is it ok for me to play next Thursday at 9?
  3. Hey, where abouts are you playing at, both for 9pm kick about and the blades match?
  4. I'll play any position, usually either defence or midfield. Not GK tho! I'm 24, how about u and your housemate? Would be cool to build a new team and play in a 5aside league!
  5. Hey, I'm in the same position as you looking for a team to play with during the week and make some mates. Are there any teams around needing players or anyone fancy making one from scratch? Paul.
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