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About sanwitt

  • Birthday 29/08/1944

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  • Location
    erskine renfrewshire
  • Interests
    reading,walking, family tree
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks anyway, you have been a great help in what you did find. Looks as if Elizabeth Charlesworth just disappeared. Thomas Whittington (father and son) well that is just a mystery. If I knew the name of any of the merchant ships he sailed on I might have been able to learn something of his whereabouts. All I know according to family stories he was a bit of an adventurer since his teens, (Thomas the younger I mean) A million thanks Sandra W
  2. No. His name was definately Thomas. He also had an older brother called Teddy and two older sisters who never married. Thanks Sandra
  3. The two people in who have the trees are my cousin and myself. Thanks Sandra
  4. No I have not found him with his parents in the census. I found(not me, it was Hugh.W) the mother elizabeth charlesworth whose father owned a button factory. All I know is he had a brother Edward Whittington and two sisters who ran the family business. My mother spoke about the family not my dad as he did not have a great deal of love for him. I think maybe with a life at sea he did not have much time for his family. My aunt used to visit them in Sheffield but I have lost contact with my cousins.I know they had a holiday house which I think was in Filey. All the best Sandra
  5. I do have the marriage certificate of Thomas Whittington and Mary Edgar married on14/12/1900 in Glasgow. He was aged 21 at time of marriage so he was born in 1879 in Sheffield. He was the youngest sibling, had an older brother and two sisters who I believe never married. san
  6. Thanks for your help but this is not the same Thomas Whittington as in 1900 he had a brass button factory through his marriage to Elisabeth Charlesworth. I just cannot understand why there are no marriage certificate or there is no birth certificate for their son also named Thomas born 1879. I was told by my dad young Thomas ran away to sea at 14 and when he came home at 18 his father set him up in business in a fair(maybe Blackpool). He then gave it up and went back to sea and when he docked in Glasgow that is where he met my grandmother Mary Edgar. San.
  7. That is my tree on ancestry.com. Thanks anyway. San
  8. That is interesting. We always assumed it was the Whittingtons who owned the button factory.My grandfather's marriage certificate (1900) states his father Thomas Whittington as an engine fitter and wife deceased. His marrriage certificatestates his age at 21 (born1879) Many thanks, San
  9. Can anyone help. My grandfather, Thomas Whittington, was born in Sheffield in1879 went to sea as a young man and married my grandmother in Glasgow, Scotland in 1900. His father was also Thomas Whittington married to Elisabeth Charlesworth who I gather owned a button factory in Sheffield. I have tried to trace them on ancestery.com but with no success. I wonder if there is anyone who can help me gather any information.
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