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Lost - Grey Tabby Cat S11 *home*


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I got a phonecall from a lady, asking 'do you own a lovely grey cat?, he's in my kitchen'. Apparently her cat food had been going down at a suspiciously high rate for a couple of days, and then she had come home and caught him in the act.


She very kindly kept him in for the afternoon until my husband came home with the car (he's too big to carry for 2 miles!).


He seems absolutely fine, apart from being somewhat smelly (I suspect he's been sleeping rough), and has put on a fair amount of weight, so I think that that lady's not the only person he's been robbing food from. I think he may have got lost on the stormy nights that we had Sun / Mon last week, and ended up a bit disoriented. I'm glad that he's a sensible cat who knows that if in doubt find a nice lady with cat food!


Thanks all x x x

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