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Anyone been to Dr Wang Clinic in S11 for Acupuncture/ Chinese Medicine?


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Hello, can anyone recommend or not recommend Dr Wang's clinic for Acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine? I suffer from eczema brought on by stress and anxiety and the website seems like she can help but I don't want to go into this lightly. I've tried MANY other treatments so I'm dead set on giving this a go, I just need to know who would be the best practitioner in my area.


Here's the web address to make sure we're talking about the same one http://www.drwangclinic.co.uk


Thank you for your advice.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Liia, I didn't get any recommendations about Dr Wang and I didn't go for Acupuncture in the end. I did try lots of other things and it does seem to be working!


I decided to go for counselling to work out why I suffer from stress and anxiety so I'm seeing a counsellour weekly. It turns out I needed it, I cried non stop every session for the first 3 months. I feel a lot better now and only cry when something really gets to me. I have a lot of issues around family relationships that I'm working through.


Also: I'm having weekly Shiatsu with Lisa Esmonde http://www.shiatsukiconnection.com/, it's really important that it's regular at least for the first six months. It's really relaxing and trains your muscles to break out of the habit of being tense. I used to get lots of knots and tension in my back and around my hips but they've gone!


I know it's working because I was having weekly sessions then for various reasons couldn't have appointments that ended up me not having shiatsu for about a month or more. The eczema and tension was coming back...until I had another session and it went again. I do still get it at times of tension and I have a stressful job with lots of deadlines to it's unavoidable sometimes.


Now I am almost convinced that my eczema appears in direct correlation with the tension and knots.


I also persisted with the NHS: after Dermatology at the Hallamshire discharged me after allergy patch tests were inconclusive. The 'Professor' of dermatology said I just have eczema and I should treat it with the steroid creams. I got angry with them, broke down crying in the clinic and said NO it is related to my anxious state of mind and demanded that they help me more with it (I'd already had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on the NHS and it didn't work). He then came up with ' oh I know that Dermatology in Rotherham is treating skin problems with Hypnotherapy, I'll refer you there.' I waited a few months and have had 2 sessions. Again this should be weekly to be most effective but the NHS can only give it monthly. I have my 3rd session next week. I was so happy that the NHS is starting to recognise that eczema is (in some people) caused by anxiety and stress and lack of confidence too. They have got to offer more alternative therapies like this and less creams!!


So I have thrown myself (and my money) into getting better mentally and getting rid of the tension with taking time out to relax. I've spoken to a lot of people and the link between all these therapies is breathing properly, deeply and naturally. I hold my breath with my tension, I breathe with the small top section of my chest but you can breath right into your abdomen and lower back. I'm finding it tough to re-train my body to do this but I'm gradually getting there by understanding my issues (counselling), relaxing (shiatsu and meditation which is just breathing!). Hypnotherapy combines all of these.


So take your pick! See what fits best with you and what you can afford. If you can pay for it you can get it quicker, I was so desperate I've been paying but you can persist with your GP for counselling or ask if you can be referred to Rotherham Dermatology.


Ask me any question you like and let me know what you do and if it works for you!


Best wishes


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