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Posts posted by Figgypudding

  1. As an aside....this is why you should always have 2 keys. I was burgled a couple of years ago and they were disturbed but they had taken the key to my mercedes. I had to have the car dragged onto a transporter, taken to main dealer, dragged off again, new locks and all in all it cost me £1k. Would have been a damn sight cheaper to have had an extra key, could have had the old key isolated so it didnt work on the car anymore and saved myself a huge amount of inconvienience.

  2. ive lost my only key to my volvo can anyone help or suggest anywhere local without going through the dealers


    you dont say how old it is....it may be coded to the car. Plus if its the only key you will need the key code. Independants tend to cut a key from your existing key, I dont think you have any option but to go the main dealer route and it will take a while to get a key. Sorry.


    Can't imagine how desperate someone would be to go with one of those out on the streets, with the likelihood of being set up by the police, or even attacked by the pimp... never mind the whole range of potential health issues!


    Can you imagine how desperate a woman has to be to get into a car with someone who may beat her up, rape her or even kill her, just so she can earn £20 or whatever.


    Prostitution needs to be controlled and licenced and then the police to come down very very hard on unlicenced prostitutes working the streets. Its the only way, demand is never going to go away so we have to deal with it.

  4. your probably right there. i think the police are more interested in catching any men trying to use them


    supply and demand....if there was no demand there would be no supply. Without a doubt the men who use prostitutes are the ones in the wrong. Its far too easy to blame the girls who are only trying to earn a living, perhaps not the way you or I might go about it but nontheless thats what they are doing.

  5. Bizarre as it sounds, one thing that has actually been a help to me was taking the decision to use a walking stick.


    All of this has knocked on to other aspects of my life as I'm spending less time in 'fair to middling' pain levels and less in 'bloody agony' which means that my life is cancelled until I feel better- does that make any sense to anyone?


    Makes perfect sense to me. I use walking poles because I find them far more comfortable to use than a stick. I find they keep me more upright. I still rebel against using them though.

  6. I have chronic back and ankle pain and was on the patches for about a year, I became tolerant very quickly and was on the max dose within 4 months. I became increasingly suspicious that they were not actually helping my pain after about 8 months and along with that and the awful side effects decided to take myself off them over Christmas. It took about 5 weeks to stop the withdrawal symptoms.


    I now dont take pain relief at all, its not that my pain has gone but the game isnt worth the candle. I just cant deal with the side effects and the fact that I have to keep increasing the dose which in turn makes the side effects much worse.


    My alternatives are cortisone injections or burning the nerves in my back. Neither sounds good to me.

  7. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/Dad-smashed-baby39s-head-against.6375559.jp


    This is so sickening! I cannot believe how anyone could do something like this!


    He deserves the death penalty in my opinion!


    Dont disagree. Sadly this is what we get when we allow children to believe its ok to have children, why on earth did a 16 year old think it was a good idea to get pregnant in the first place? He, whilst being 23, is still clearly a child. It does take 2 to make a baby and had he thought about it he would surely have made sure that there was no chance of conception.


    A very sad thing to happen, not least because she will now have a brain damaged child to bring up. She is 16 and now has very little chance of a life that doesnt consist of a round of benefits.

  8. Not everyone is going to be happy with any beauty treatment. I know from dealing with customer complaints over a wide range of industries that some people are never going to be happy with the outcome of a complaint.


    As in all things, unless its life threatening, suck it and see. Try something and make up your own mind. On balance there are a number of people here saying how fantastic their lashes are and a very small number saying they were unhappy which lets face it could be down to a number of things including aftercare by the customer.


    I dont own a beauty salon, dont work in one and have no axe to grind either way, but if lash extensions are something you fancy trying then do it.

  9. I can highly recommend Birds Opticians at the top side of the town hall, think its Surrey Street. They are very very good and they offer retinal photography too. To the person who wondered Mr Bird is semi retired now and I agree, he is a lovely chap, but quite frankly all the staff are and they are extremely knowlegeable. My Mom has very complicated glasses and nothing is too much trouble for them. My own prescription is quite simple, but again nothing is too much trouble.

  10. Been there once. We were sat next to the kitchen and dispite the quite high counter I could see quite a lot. Main courses in sealed pouches heated in a bain marie, some food cooked to order but not much that I could see. My partners main was very nice (it was cooked to order) but mine was dreadful, lets be honest if an Itallian restuarant cant produce a decent ragu then its a bit telling. I wouldnt be in a hurry to go back.

  11. not appropriate to express all things on an open forum


    It is indeed not appropriate, otherwise I could let my fingers run away with me on a number of things that have been said.


    I'm sure my little brother didnt engage his brain before typing his comment about me, otherwise why would he allow such a telling glimpse of his character to appear on a public forum.


    And yes, as has been said, there are always two sides to a story.


    Sherrie (Sherriedan) Peters daughter.

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