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Posts posted by toni1991

  1. I saw with my own eyes how fast they were going and in my opinion it wasn't a safe speed. I can't believe the amount of people having a go at me because I rasied concerns. And this supposed to be a friendly place to post?? I think not :confused:


    it is a friendly place to post but you didnt only raise concerns you made unfair decisions about all quad riders based on what you saw a a minor percentage do .

  2. These so called "kind men" were riding up and down the road speeding and skidding, not calling to the shops for some old dear. I saw them turning or skidding round and going back so I know for a fact they had no intention of helping anyone. They were causing a noise nuisance all afternoon, evening and late at night. I'm sure anyone with kids would understand my cause to moan, plus poorly kids at that.


    here you say anyone with kids would understand and you dont mention anyting about running kids over here just that quads r noise nuisances

  3. gosh some people live sad existences !! what is the point in having a road legaL quad if you cant drive it on road just because there a few idiot quad drivers out there doesnt mean there all idiots you lot complaining want to grow up its a few times a year quads come out and have proper fun thats when it snows as for the comment about kids i have a daughter and i dont mind quads because as i said it a couple of times a year there out and the gun comment how can you complain about a quad when you use the idea of shooting some one as a joke or even worse if you would actually do it...grow up you bunch of mardy people

  4. my partner owns a road legal quad hes a very good driver in a car on a motorbike and a quad he doesnt wear a helmet and he does wear a balaclava he wears a balaclava to keep him warm i think its ridiculous that all young men on quads are ridiculed because of a few idiots as along with my boyfriend alot of his mates own road legal quads they drive sensibly and are respectful to people around them so please dnt judge all quaders on a few muppets n yes i am biased on this subject i admitt but not making excuses for my partner he really is a good driver n he is respectful to everyone especially children as we have a daughter of our own and if anyone was to put her life at risk he wouldnt be happy so he wouldnt risk some one elses child think some people in sheffield need to sit back and realise not all young men are same

  5. this shop is great if it wasnt for this guy i couldnt have got my rent payment in so thanks kev (the mans name) good luck with this business.... advise everyone if they want something selling go here!!! doesnt just sell for you on ebay you can buy from him to plus he says he also buys scrap gold :) not advertising for him dnt no the guy frtom adam jus letting people no how good he is and not to judge by website thanks

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