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Posts posted by Right

  1. Now I know there is didly squat I can do as its a public highway bla, bla, bla.


    But i'm really pee'd off, I spent 2 hours clearing snow from outside my house yeasterday, drove around to find a grit bin with grit in it it, gritted th part of the road I had shovelled snow from, all the paths leading to it etc. etc.


    So when I get home from work yesterday (bear in mind my road is empty of cars) I find some inconsiderate t**t parked in the space I had cleared and gritted hours before!!


    I'm guessing they didn't see the 2 big mountains of snow and the cleared paths leading upto my house!!


    As I said I know there was nothing I could do as its a public highway but how I was so tempted to put the snow I had dug out back, or to get the hose pipe out and accidentley leave it on spinkler pointing at their car!!


    Anyway rant over.


    Sounds like you have a chair missing to me.You clear part of a road of snow and expect others not to use that spot over ones that arnt clear?


    Ha ha,i doubt any driver would have made a different choice including you.

  2. I think I should take driving lessons from the Muslim School of Driving, if I failed I could say I was being picked on, and while I was learning I could indoctrinate them :P







    Why dont you go to the Christian school of driving instead? Oh you cant because that would be against the law!

  3. You are wrong on several counts.


    One, I run salesmen (now, as in this minute. Indeed, I was talking to one of them about this very thread just a few minutes ago, and he agreed with me - he would love it if every customer told us their budget, because we would sell the vast majority of them)


    Two, I used to be a salesman


    You aren't getting this are you? You may, if you want, tell someone how much you have to spend. If you do, you WILL get less for your money, because you are clearly naive about how salesmen work.


    And them only reason you would be asked how much a month you can spend is if it is going to be on finance - even more than normal you should not give that budget, because you would then be given the worst rates that fit into that budget.


    The irony of you telling me that i have knowledge of this is huge, as it is clear you have no idea whatsoever how it works.


    Maybe your salesmen need more training in how to communicate with customers and better management which in turn will allow release of budget and up the sale conversion rate.

    It will also cut down on your salesmen wasting their time presenting customers with goods they cant afford or dont want

    Tried and tested by one of the biggest companies in retail.Practised by most!


    Dont talk down to people when you have no clue who they are or what they know.

    The you will find that the best salespersons have the best understanding of how important time management is.Time management is everything to a successful salesperson,you obviously dont know any.I guess by your answers that you allow yours to not only waste their time,their companies time,but the customers aswell because they havnt been taught the skills to communicate properly by management that THINK they know it all.

    Try qualifying your customers properly you will be suprised by the results.

  4. Which is exactly what several people have been saying re loss of controil. And syncromesh was designed to prevent such damage. Doesn't stop the gear change being ropey and severe though.


    Sadly they do not, particularly as modern synchronized gearboxes hide that poor technique quite well. I've been driven by plenty of people who do just that.


    Here we have proof not that more is needed, that you have no clue what your talking about.

    Syncromesh is not a gearbox,it is a system that helps aline the gear speeds when changing gear to stop crunching.It has apsolutly no bearing on preventing a wrong gear being selected quite the opposite,it makes selecting a gear easier.

    My guess is not only do you have no clue but not only dont you drive but you end up being a passenger with crap drivers.

  5. Do you accept that "shift lock" happens...?


    Ill try and apease you,and guess that you mean when a lower gear than road speed is selected this might cause the rear wheels to temporay lock?

    You would have to be very stupied to put yourself in that position,which would not only risk engine/gearbox damage but cause loss of control.

    I think most drivers would grow out of that senario within day one of their lessons.It seems to be a sticking point with you for some reason.

    Your welcome to come round and have a little ride at the side of me for a few minutes,id guess that it would take less than 2 minutes before it dawned on you what an idiot you are sat behind your keyboard pretending to know what your talking about.

  6. Actually the poster mocked someone else for not being able to read/write correctly, after not reading other's posts properly and did so with fractured English, poor punctuation, mispelled illegible as unlegible and to cap it off Right [how ironic a name is that]used it when he/she actually meant illiterate. So I pointed out the irony of such a post. Hardly makes me a God, besides did you not see Right's post where he was very rude and patronising to me as he had no answer to a reasonable question?


    Did you not read the rest of thread, where various people including myself, politely tried to explain a basic driving principal to Right and not only did he completely fail to understand, he was rude and obnoxious to everyone. Such sadly typical behaviour is why I rarely frequent online forums.


    Why dont you point out in any post in any thread where ive mocked someone for their ability to read or write?

    What my post actually said was it was illegible nonsense which i said because to anybody that knows what they are talking about its clear they do not!

    Why dont you explain what it is i failed to understand and why you think i failed to understand it.

    You can then look a bigger plank than you already do!


    I see that its not just this thread your behavour is similar!

  7. That isn't how sales work. If you go into a car showroom, the salesman doesn't just pick the cars he wants to show you, you tell him the sort of thing you want. You do not however mention budget.


    Isnt it?


    But it is exactly how they work.One of the first questions you will be asked is how much A MONTH you want to spend.You obviously havnt got a clue about sales nor any proffesional background to base your facts on.

  8. Trust me, it does. If i go into a house and the first thing they say is "my budget is £xxxx" I know that i am extremely likely to get the sale.


    And on your other point, it would be more correct to say that you may go home with your product, however i will go home with either more for the same price, or with the same product as you but for a cheaper price.


    Of course you are and that exactly my point.

    What your saying is that when you dont have a budget your alot LESS likely to get a sale which backs up what im saying.

    If a salesman doesnt show me what i want then i dont buy,maybe the people you see are thick,or easily prised out of their hard earned.

    As someone who managed a store from a very very large chain,i can assure you the success rate of the salespersons that got budgets were alot higher than them that didnt.

    Thats not to say the customers were all being ripped off,because the price of an item is the price of an item having a budget doesnt change that.

    Lets say i go to a car sales and tell them i got a grand to spend,he shows me one marked at £1300 and says if you have it today ill do it at £1000 have i been ripped off because i helped him give me what i want?

    Of course i looked at the car and made my OWN MIND UP !!

  9. Hinges had cracked. Now they have both snapped! So apart from wires holding the 2 together it's knackered.


    Hinges and the surrounding plastic have completed broke and aren't repairable.


    Can anyone repair this?




    Have you got accident cover in the home?

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