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Posts posted by sammielou

  1. Hi Love, tried to pm you but it wont let me.


    I am ujnder assisted conception at jessops and from what i understand, your FSH is great! - im younger than you and wish my FSH was as good as that!


    i cant comment on your LH hun sorry -


    theres a great thread over on fertility friends under the yorkshire area - come join us xx


    Just to add, im not a medical proffessional, nor do i claim to be, im just posting from experience!

  2. praying things go well for you today love. i have to say i think it is awful the treatment you have received (or not.) and i find some of the responses you have received on here absolutely disgraceful.


    Speaking a someone who has gone through years of infertility and treatment, drugs, procedures and tests, and these have as yet to result in a pregnancy, i can only imagine your pain at the moment. Some insensitive people just dont know how lucky they are.

  3. But elsewhere you claimed you had only a 'sprinkling' in Hillsboro' - what's to be bored with ?


    In this part of S6 we've had well over 30cm. That's boring and bloody inconvenient with it


    Netweather radar suggests the South Yorks streamer could be back in action soon so be prepared to be bored for a little longer. :hihi:



    sorry whats the s yorks. streamer??

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