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Posts posted by ruffday

  1. Aup im wondering if any 1 can help me ive started using the float on the rod and im wanting to catch some carp. Can any one tell me how to set my line up and what bait to use






    It will depend where you are fishing but i tend to fish 6-12 inch overdepth and i like to use sweetcorn and luncheon meat as a bait.

  2. to be a tattooist , you must have your hepititus b jabs from the doctor. practise on fake skin or grapefruits, then if you dare tattoo yourself. Get to know how your kit works and how to deal with fainting people and fits first! then when your ready try the tattoo shops to see if they will take you on, best advise I can give you.


    What a load of bad advice.

    Get round the tattoo studios and do the leg work.

    If you get set on they can teach you all you need to know.

    There are just too many people getting kits off ebay and making a proper mess of thier victims skin.


    We see too many of these in the studio and its wrong.

    The problem is there are so many youngsters who will have a cheap tat because " it was only a tenner " but dont realise it will cost 10-20 times that to get it sorted.


    A decent artist will teach you about the health and safty aspects of the job before they let you anywhere a kit.

  3. least some one can see my point thanks....my point is been on the list 7years with me and my partners points together .....but if she was on the waiting list on her own and packed her job in and she made a lie and said she was homeless bet they would offer us one then


    I had my name on the list years ago but have bought with my wife now.


    I was on the waiting list for 15 years before i was offered anything.

    You didnt bid on the back then but it was still a long wait.

  4. Well reading all this you would think the world was about to end.

    The budget i belive is fair and we all knew tax would go up.

    do you think Labour would be a better.

    Has everyone forgotten all the crap they have done over the last years and all the stelth taxes they impossed on us.

    They sold off all the gold for peanuts and Gordon has been stealing from the pension funds for years.

    Give them a chance ffs.

    Forgemasters are looking to get the money from somewhere else anyway and im sure they always had a back up plan.

  5. There are loads of venues. Check out YorkshireFishing.net for loads of venues. There is KJS in killamarsh £65 for a year permit and i think you get 8 ponds in total for that. Rothervalley has a big pond if you are after carp and bream.

    Try Pauls Angling Supplies for good cheap tackle on line or Climax Tackle or Bennetts of Sheffield.

  6. Another post bitchin about getting done for speeding. Just pay the fine and stop moaning its not the end of the world ffs. if you speed then prepare to face the penaltys or slow down and watch where you are going.


    And yes ive had plenty of points in my time and i just stick my hands up and say yes my fault.

    I agree cameras are pants and would rather have the police on the roads doing the job properly.

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