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Posts posted by AndyLonsdale

  1. I would like a device that could automatically calculate how many chocolate bourbon biscuits you could fit in your mouth at any one time.

    I feel this would save oneself considerable social embarrassment when one gets carried away and quite literally bites off more than one can chew.


    like water powered cars, cold fusion and and entire meal in on pill, this device did once exist, but over the years, all the scientists, engineers, etc who worked on it have mysteriously disappeared. The government now denies any knowledge of said device.

  2. Lou Ferigno as The Hulk, Mr Barlow (the blue skinned vampire from Salem's Lot), the little vampire boy scratching at the window to be let in (from Salem's Lot again), the air attack warning siren (it once went of when we were out and about at school delivering harvest festival boxes, and i thought the world would end there and then), the film THREADS, An American Werewolf in London, the bushes at the bottom of our garden, and finally SOAP.... what child wasn't afraid of soap?! it rotted your skin!!!!

  3. During the day or two before the night of heavy drinking, you have activities which ordinarily would not cause observable bruising, but which still break tiny capillaries just below the skin. These "injuries" could result from as common and self-inflicted actions as crossing your arms, sleeping on your folded arms or leg, or being held while having normal sex. If you didn't drink, these bruises would be very, very minor, to the point of being unnoticeable, as the blood leakage from the broken capillaries would be negligible. But when you do begin drinking, you experience 2 common side effects of alcohol, namely slightly elevated blood pressure and reduced clotting action (sometimes exacerbated by loss of potassium, calcium and electrolytes due to diuretic effect of heavy drinking). The areas which you would not ordinarily notice as being bruised, now become visibly discolored, as a slightly greater volume of blood leaks into the underlying dermal layers, than would normally.

  4. i really didn't like this film ... i hate that blue man who has thing hanging out the whole time... i am not a prude or anything but for some reason i found it off putting.

    i think it was very "fantastic 4" but for adults and not as good (though the silver surfer sucked eggs ) :suspect:



    lol... why did everyone have a problem with the blue schlong?

  5. Doug Mclure isn't really bothered a jot about any fascist party's success. He knows that making such comments to the media will raise his profile and hopefully sell more tunes. He's a virtual unknown trying to ride the coat tails of the BNP for all its worth - lots and lots of groats if he's lucky. Its tacky, but not surprising.


    I did think he was pretty good at fighting off the pterodactyls though.


    he was even better as Trampas in the Virginian!!!!

  6. Yes, I have, and while not my favourite Murakami (for me, that's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, it's a great book.


    I have the boxed set too, and the paperback version. Japan also published the green/red version, and the book was such a hit that people would wear either red or green, depending on which volume they were reading.


    that's what got me wondering... how are the volumes split?

  7. yeah, i've been reading things to that effect,


    if you have a blu-ray player, the US blu-ray version is actually region free, so it's worth paying a bit extra to import it.


    I don't, so i'm a bit miffed to be honest.


    The special features are poor on the UK version as well.

  8. today playlist to try and dull the monotony of yet another day in the fallout shelter:


    Relient K - MmHmm

    The Eighties Matchook B Line Disaster - Horse of the Dog

    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Good Son

    Gallon Drunk - From the Heart of Town

    Gang of Four - Entertainment

    Idlewild - A Distant History:Rarities 1997 2007

    Dark Was The Night compilation

  9. I'm a massive fan of the comic book version, and have to admit, a massive fan of the movie.


    Things had to be changed, and IMHO Zack Snyder did a pretty good job of it.


    After reading all the crap ideas that went before (Gilliam's version... jesus that would have been horrendous), it was a triumph for someone to bring it to the big screen.


    And let's face it, the zealot hardcore fans of the comic book were never going to be satisfied with ANY cinematic version of it.


    Roll on December for the Ultimate cut......... can't wait to see The Tales of the Black Freighter woven into the movie!!!



    Well what a crock of .... the US release has 25 minutes of footage restored.... the UK version? it's the cinema version. I'd avoid buying until the ultimate edition comes out!

  10. Fur Elise is all very well, but I prefer the piece of Mozart commonly referred to as 'Elvira Madigan'. I can't recall a single film I have seen that features Fur Elise - has it been used in a soap opera or some tacky reality show (which might explain why I have missed it)?


    Actually , you pumped up literary snob (you don't mind me calling you that do you...... it's just that that's what comes across most strongly), Fur Elise is used to quite some effect in the film Rosemary's Baby, widely regarded as a classic by the majority of film critics.


    Go shmoke that pipe , kemosabe.

  11. Excellent! well, I'm not one of them (not that there is any shame in it, but I'm not)


    I'm a dedicated Whovian AND Trekkie AND...erm.... StarWarsian, lol


    But I have also kissed over 4 girls, and have finally moved out of parent's basement (albeit to the attic, but onwards and upwards , my friend)

  12. you can't beat a simple meal at times. I did my kids a fried egg sarnie for breakfast on sunday morning, and they 5 minutes peace that settled into the kitchen, whilst they savoured the golden yolky goodness was manna from heaven.


    Of course they weren't as nice when my dad did them for me as a kid, cooked in a mixture of lard and bacon fat, but they were pretty good

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