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Posts posted by lady_angel

  1. reporting a quad bike going up the road with a small child cant be wrong surely when

    the child is in danger...(and no crash helmet)...


    i have never said i didnt agree with that what i dont agree with is someone lurking in a park taking pics and he knows that is illegal hes even said on here the police told him to do it which was bs cos they didnt

  2. i would like to invite you up to high green ,take you for a walk round and let you see for yourself the extent of the problem . Also please attend the next public meeting with the police on the first wednesday in october and listen to local residents telling the police how their lives are being made a misery by these bikers .



    Im not asking you to take my word for it -come and see for yourself angel .


    sure i would love to come up idont have a problem with that at all

  3. these people are making local residents lives a misery ,and have no regard for anyone but themselves -they dont care who they hurt ,just as long as they escape the police .


    yeah i agree with you to a point what was it you wrote once you would like to hit one of these with your bull bars on your 4x4 once mmmmmmmm or you going to lie about saying that too

  4. But the school we are on about with the OP does not state anything about this about the trousers, all the kids i see are wearing the uniform and look smart, apart from a few lads that turn up in trainers that are not to be worn. They all look the same in smart trousers and the rest of the uniform that has to be worn. All it states that children are to wear smart black or grey cotton trousers or skirts knee lenth if girls wants to wear them. So we are abideing by the school rules, just seems like the school must have got some other hidden rule that we dont know about.


    Some schools can be very upperty and as for the school goveners well least said the better ,needless to say that a certain school govener in the woodhoue mill area has the child from hell and yet they think there child is the next messiah , ,and i have certainly questioned something I thought was out of order at his school.

  5. what i can`t see is that if the school states something in the uniform and the child turns up in something different and is sent home why are the moaning about it ,yes i think sending a pupil home for not having creases in them is extreme .The reason for the uniform is so that the kids are not competing on who has the best designer trainers or tops .if there is a dress code then they should abide by it end of .

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