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Posts posted by Patsyfagin

  1. his name was Dennis Atkins For many years he had his own room at LodgeMoor and his own room at King edwards He used to spend time in each for a change of scenery like a holiday He was the longest survivor in an iron lung until he died not that long ago and passed that title to John Prestwich who spent most of his time in the LANE fox unit in ST thomas' hospital London Iron lungs are still very much in use today in the LANE Fox unit and in the Papworth Hospital

  2. Hi thanks for reply


    were you a patient.... I was a student nurse...remember Mr cartlidge on c ward .. he was the ward manager then ...it was also my first ward.... The patients were usually in there long term ..they used to have the people come and show films which was a real treat..There was a sister williams on D ward...I.remember mr guite who worked on nights.......We used to sit between wards c and d .... it was always a bit scary as the ward was away from the main hosital wards.It was a Dr. Hertzog ..only resident docter.....he lived in the bungalow at the back of the wards....

    Thanks once again for your reply.....


    I was a student there from 1963 I remember Mr Cartlidge and Mr Guite very well and working nights with him He always worked B2 and if I was on B3 we used to sit at the end of each ward corridor ,so that we could still hear the patients on each ward , and chat He used to tell such wonderful stories about his life I never knew how he managed to do nights because he was a chiropodist during the day as he had his own business at Hillsborough or so I was led to believe so when he slept I never could fathom out They were such happy days

  3. Hi just wondered if there is anyone out there who had worked at King Edwards hospital 60s I did my nurse training there ......would like to hear from people especially 1961 intake of students....I often pass the building which has now been turned into flats.....brings back fond memories......wonder what happened to nurses that worked there...

    yes I worked there from 1963 I did my orthopaedic certificate and then went to barnsley to do my state The happiest years were at rivelin though without doubt

  4. I was in Rivilin from 1950 to 1955 with a TB hip. Does any one know what the proper name is for that condition?. We were always told by the doctors that is what we had, but I was led to believe that TB affected the lungs.


    By the way both myself and my wife knew Mike Kelly many years ago.


    Hi Michael Kelly was my husband and he spent many years in King edwards hospital This is where we met as I nursed him and eventually we married I was lucky enough to spend 43 years of marriage with Mike ans sadly we lost him last year .Re your condition There was no other name for it It was TB and was treated by the dreaded injections of Streptomycin which was like glue Tb does affect the lungs which is "open TB" but it can affect bone too Luckily we don't hear so much of it these days thank goodness As a matter of interest what iis your name as probably if you knew mike then maybe I nursed you too If you don't want to publically disclose your name then please email me at patkelly24@gmail.com my maiden name was Hewitt and I nursed with Ann Breakwell , Sue Harper ,Barbara Healy ,Janet Swift if any of these ring any bells

  5. Lodge moor was definitely a hospital that treated polio victims who were in the virul stage as it was so infectious and facilities for infectious diseases were very good My late husband (Michael Kelly) was taken there when he first contracted polio He was put temporarily into an iron lung next to Dennis atkins who was originally the longest surviving polio in an iron lung My husband and a couple of other paraplegics helped buy Dennis a vehicle that would house an iron lung so that he could travel about and see his old haunts from his pre-polio years The other long survivor was John Prestwich who was in St Thomas's hospital in London He died recently Iron lungs are still very much in use in St thomas's and in the Papworth hospital Theu have been a lifeline for so many for such a long time Dennis Atkins used to have a fotrnight's holiday would you believe at King edwards every year before he got his vehicle just to give him a change of scenery My husband was an avid sportsman with Lodge moor who were world class We used to have many social evenings up there where we would always fetch Dennis to participate Iron lun and all He loved his pint and his pork pie Happy days

  6. Regarding the book that was written by Mr hertzog Can anyone tell me where I can get it as I would love to read it I worked with Mr hertzog during my orthopaedic training and he was always our mentor We all used to call him Poppa as he treated us like his own What a wonderful man he was When he lived in the bungalow at the hospital he often used to invite some of the students for an evening of reminiscing with his wife and himself It was fabulous so I would dearly love to read his book

  7. all these posts bring back such fantastically happy memoreies I did my ortopaedic certificate at king teds I was there from 1963 to 65 and loved every minute of it The work was hard but the patients were fantastic and made it all worth while I met and married my husband Michael Kelly (if anyone remembers him) He was quite a charachter and went on to win many medals at the paraplegic olympics and after retiring from sport spent endless hours trying to raise money for chronically sick and disabled kids I lost Mike last year and life is extremely empty without him I would love to hear from anyone who remembers him and me as well My maiden name was Hewitt

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