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Posts posted by *bobstar*

  1. Wonder what the staff are wearing during outdoor PE - normal clothes, winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves probably.


    I agree that if kids are running around and being active then yes, they do warm up quickly. However, they should be allowed to have arms and legs covered (ie tracksuit). Once they warm up then at least they can take layers off.


    The problem is that people assume a PE lesson involved the kids being active the whole time - far from it. Alot of the games are team games. How much running around do you do if playing rounders - not that much. 30 kids cant play netball all at once so some hang around waiting for their turn etc etc.


    When the snow does come we dont see people sending kids out to play in shorts and tee-shirts do we. Nothing more physical for kids than sledging and snowballing but its just commen sense to be covered in cold weather, isnt it??

  2. I have known for nearly a year that badgers live in our garden.

    They started with the lawn – holes in the lawn, about the circumference and depth of a yoghurt pot.


    Then in Summer I discovered three large holes in a hidden corner of the garden that must be the sett.


    I have just seen my first live badger at 9:30 in the evening walking across the lawn, fully floodlit.


    I think its amazing - I know some of you will not!


    Its amazing. Well done and enjoy.

  3. The Hut (thehut.com) are doing a pretty good deal :


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  4. The only councillors who posts on the Forum are Joe Taylor and John Robson. The only ones. No other councillors post on this Forum.


    I wish, Bobstar, you'd try to understand that city councillors don't spend their time wondering what people on the Sheffield Forum think about issues. They spend their time dealing with their own constituents.


    Sheffield Forum is not representative of the views of the people of Sheffield.


    I'm sure people would like to think that what we have to say is important enough for busy elected members to pore over day after day, but I'm afraid that's far from the truth.


    Like I said before, you do not KNOW that Councillors do not post or come onto this forum.


    With regards Councillors being interested in the views of forum members. I personally think your wrong. Political activists and I am sure councillors themselves (if not direct then via activists) are generally aware of the threads/opinions etc and even more so for particular issues. (Certainly I was aware of this in relation to St Lukes)....Im not saying their pore over it every day. Councillors, in my opinion should use all available media to connect with people.


    I do however, agreed that the views on SF are not representative. However, you can get interesting perspectives/opinions on things.

  5. lol.:hihi:


    Benidorm is good for a stag party but not in winter months when the oldies go. If people want a mix of culture and beer then I'd recommend Berlin. Some cheap hostels there that are central and clean/tidy/good for stag parties.


    If sticking to the UK then Newcastle is a good night out although can be tricky for large stag groups to get into places.

  6. Do you know, I'm going to type a standard response and just keep posting it, to save the tiresome repetition of this :


    The only councillors who posts on the Forum are Joe Taylor and John Robson. The only ones. No other councillors post on this Forum.


    No councillors have posted on this thread. I am not a councillor.


    I really do hope this is clear.


    Clear as mud Rosy...(!)


    I happen to believe you arent a councillor. Thanks for clearing that up, however, you didnt need to justify your own position as you will see I said it "appeared" that this may have been taken over by councillors/party members. I dont expect anyone to justify their own position. Let people read the posts and decide for themselves if the writer is politically bias. Im not saying it has for definate been taken over nor am I trying to out people. However, I do wonder how you can make such bold statement like the one above. How would you KNOW this?


    I for one, do not believe that Joe Taylor and John Robson are the only councillors who post on the forum. Whether this is my individual opinion or indeed if there others on the forum think the same is irrelevant - its a public forum and I and others are surely entitled to voice opinion, provided we dont break the forum rules ofcourse. IMHO I believe that they may not be the only ones to post under their "councillor hats". However, I am sure that there are many that decide (for whatever reason) to hide behind a user name, councillor or otherwise.


    Any old Joe (or Jane) could claim to be a ordinary member of the public when he reality he (or she) could be a current city councillor or political party member.

  7. If you look at previous posts - especially those from Cllr Harston .....


    Cllr Harston is no longer Cllr Harston, just plain old Mr Harston. Give him his dues though - he's always been open about his identity.


    Ive read this thread, I have my view on the actions taken by Cllr Curran. However, it appears that this thread has been hijacked somewhat by members of and Cllrs of political (various) parties for their own agenda.


    Give then general public some credit to use their own noggin. You lot carry on with your bun fight. Joe Public can guess who you are!

  8. No I am not a nimby ( whatever that is ).


    Google it. How do you know your arent one when you dont know what one is.:hihi:


    As for the Black Lane isssue, the thread on the forum was removed so no point in resurrecting that whatsover.


    Your the one that raised this? Your comments were "It is public knowledge about the fiasco of the parish council involving the Black Lane matter".


    What is a fiasco, would you agree with an "absolute, abject or utterly humiliating failure."


    All I am asking is where was the fiasco. Didnt they sell it? Hasnt the field been sold now and the money going towards a park in Loxley. What do you prefer - sheep in a field to look at or a park for the whole community?


    Was this a FIASCO for the council or for the people or persons who wanted to continue to allow someone to have a field at the detriment of the whole community. Why do you think it was a fiasco?


    The last thread was closed as "members not being able to refrain from posting veiled or direct accusations or insinuations regarding persons not participating in the discussion". We arent doing that here are we?

  9. I can't recall all the details as the minutes can't be viewed but it had a lot to do with a grant to a local community farm being set up involving one of the councillors I believe. Perhaps Chavs could provide you with more details than me.


    Skipping back to Black Lane if I could - I still wonder what you prefer with regards Black Lane. Do you prefer sheep in a field to look at or a park for the whole community? What did they do wrong over Black Lane exactly except stop one man from continuing to use a field for no return when in fact it had cost money to purchase and maintain.


    Ive done a little digging on this and found - that it appears the man on the field claimed the council agreed that he could use the land in return for maintenance. Interesting then that since 2001 when this man was on the land the parish council has removed stones, filled in ruts, erected stock fencing, replaced gates and built a concrete apron in the entrance of the field and that the cost of the purchase of the field and monies paid for drainage it has cost around £30,000. In all the time he was on the land

    he paid the council approximately £230.


    Now back to the farm. Someone kindly PM'd me to let me know you are probably talking about this one Loxley Valley Comminuty Farm. Let me guess, this happens to be close to you and your a nimby? Have a look at their website, comments I noticed:


    develop a more involved community and give something back to those in need....Engage with the local community to promote the benefits of locally produced sustainable food and foster a greater sense of community through mutually beneficial agriculture...set up in July 2009 by a group of

    approximately 20 individuals from the local area.....is committed helping the poor and charitable groups by giving a proportion of our produce away.


    I see they have been helped by Bradfield and Sheffield City council. What could people possible have against this? You post mentioned a councillor was involved in setting up the farm. Heaven forbid - a parish councillor involved in setting up a community project. This thread is about what coucnillors dont do in their local area and your coming along saying its a problem when they do actually do something?? I dont get it.


    Backtracking though, the council will have a grants policy, right? The councillor involved will have delared an interest, right? The councillor wont have been involved in the grant process, right? Sounds to me as thought there are perhaps a "few locals" perhaps who live near the new farm who decided didnt want this farm in their back yard so they went hell for leather to cause as much problems as they could with a vendetta against said people who set the farm up.


    Have the council collectively actually done anything untoward on this? When I ask this I am asking if they have actually DONE anything wrong. I dont need to know if they have done something that perhaps just one or two people didnt like?


    Have any individual councillors actually done anything untoward on this? When I ask this I am asking if any have actually DONE anything wrong. I dont need to know if they have done something that perhaps just one or two people didnt like? No doubt if this is the case you can back it up with evidence, cant you?

  10. It is public knowledge about the fiasco of the parish council involving the Black Lane matter:


    Oh yeah I remember that one. The council bought a field with a view to providing play facilities, instead they/someone let a friend keep his sheep on it for several years without paying rent. Didnt they sell it? Hasnt the field been sold now and the money going towards a park in Loxley. What do you prefer - sheep in a field to look at or a park for the whole community?


    also that councillors have been taken to the standards board:


    Interesting, will look into that one.


    and from the past minutes I have seen problems over grants being awarded.


    What problems? I thought they gave money to community groups from all over the parish and paid someone to help groups get funding from other sources aswell.

  11. As for the speeding issue, extending the 30 limit through the village means absolutely nothing if it's ignored and unenforced. Low Road and junction at the badly-placed (and now faded) zebra crossing in particular is a nightmare.


    As Voodoo commented, Matt Dixon was only elected a couple of days ago, give him a chance before having a pop at him! I can't believe I'm sticking up for Tory Boy here! :blush:


    Yep - democracy. He's been elected so end of. People need to judge on future events now. Same with the other bloke, Stuart Cole.


    However, with regards speeding, speed limits, zebra crossings, enforcement, junction layout etc. I thought that this was CITY council. I didnt think it was parish councils remit? People wont be let down will they?

  12. Do you think that they lost due to being in the coalition or dissatisfaction with the Local Lib Dem Parish Council?


    Without doubt the latter from knowing a number of parishioner's feelings.:)


    Do tell real ale - What are you dissatified with exactly? Is it because they are LibDem or do you and the number of parishioners your posting for hold a grudge against individuals on the council or all the councillors? What has happened that you dont like?


    As a group of parishioners are you happy with amount of money its cost ALL parishioners for the successful candidates to be in office. Do you think it will make any difference for those few months?

  13. This same 'Financial Advisor' then supplies financial advice at £350 a time to other MP's, who are all friends of his wife, who then also put in a claim which lines this man's pockets out of public funds, i.e. our funds.


    Im wondering exactly what his qualifications are....is he really qualified to give tax advice. The article says he worked for 12 years for the Inland Revenue, specialising in the tax affairs of small businesses and is eminently qualified to provide advice. When was this 12 years service ?? I worked for at the Hallamshire in the 90's, does this mean Im entitled to give medical advice to anyone willy-nilly???


    Scoobz equated him to a financial advisor. A financial advisor has to take ongoing exams to maintain his qualification to be a FA. Doesnt a tax advisor also?


    I really see nothing wrong with Mr Meg acting as a paid tax consultant, all this rubbish about lining his pockets, its his job.


    Taken in isolation it probably is a small issue. However, when considering the bigger picture its not rubbish. Dont you think its funny that he charged the exact same amount to everyone!!!! I cannot possible imagine that the accounts and information he reviewed for all those MP's were the same so how clever that the bill for his advise was exact. I sincerely hope he declared all this income on HIS TAX RETURNS, :hihi::hihi:


    One more question - did they only use his services once or have they used it every year since? Schools minister Mr Knight told the BBC he had used a different accountant until 2005 who had charged £763.75 for advice - compared with the £345 Mr Bates charged.


    I'd be interested to know if they used Mr Bates for the years 07-08 and 08-09 and if not, why not and who did they use and what amount paid?


    The press if they wanted could go to plenty of big companies and small and start sifting through their receipts....no doubt they would find something like paying a mate to do a bit of gardening or painting at their business premises.


    True. However, I am very interested personally in the ins and outs of our elected representatives.

  14. What the hell has that got to do with anything? It doesnt matter how long he was back in the area for or wether he was a nuisance with the cars, he dident deserve to die on his doorstep.


    Rivelin, I agree he didnt deserve to die. Noone should be killed this way. I would say the same if it had been 2 18/19 year olds who were both known troublemakers. However, people do have opinions and different angles on things. I wonder if it had been two 18/19 year olds involved and one had died we would have had people on here saying "deserved it, tough etc".


    Its clear from the press that the view to people outside the area is that a normal, salt of the earth family member has been murdered. Noone is saying anything against Craig on this forum that isnt true and NOONE has said he deserved it.


    However, people have been saying that Craig and his family plus extended family are and have been for several years part and parcel of the anti-social behaviour in Loxley. Family members have been served asbo's. The incident in 2007 where a neighbour was beaten and in a coma involved members of the Wass extended family.


    Upbringing has a lot to do with it.


    I would have the death penalty for ALL the offenders AND a prison sentence for the parents for bringing up such cretins, they should hang there heads in shame.


    The family of the accused are a nice family.


    I sometimes think the police live on a different planet to the rest of us. This is not about "problematic" estates or areas, its about a percentage of this generations youngsters thinking they can be a law unto themselves, and have little or no consequences.


    The human rights brigade and nanny state has caused this attitude and it needs changing NOW - ZERO TOLERANCE is the only way forward. :rant:


    As I have said before. People need to understand it is not just the generations of youngsters thinking they are a law unto themselves. There are anti-social families that need tackling. If you are anti-social and behave as such in an estate full of anti-social behaviour then this is something that will be the end result. Vendetta's, fights, gang culture etc etc is always part of it.

  15. Quote from the Star :


    Police have been in the area in the wake of the murder trying to offer reassurance to worried residents, but Det Supt McGuinness said Loxley was not an area blighted by trouble.


    He added: "The death of any individual is shocking. The death of an

    individual through violence is always sad, but this is rare.


    "I know it's shocking for communities and people who think this is happening all the time, all I can do is offer reassurance that this is a one-off.


    "I would not describe this as a problematic estate at all."


    Quote from a different article :


    "It is not the first time the street has experienced serious violence - in March 2007 a neighbour on Alders Green ended up in a coma when he suffered serious head injuries in an attack outside his home."


    Its only pure luck that there hasnt been a previous murder. That attack in 2007 involved several members of one family attacking a man on his own who happened to stand up to them!

  16. Unfortunately, this isnt the first incident at that location. Stabbing in the past and a beating in the past which resulted in a local man being in a coma...these are just two incidents.


    The coma incident - no police action due to lack of evidence but that involved someone taking a beating.


    PS/ Violence breaks out about 11pm most Saturday nights here. Just sorry for Craigs family it ended this way this time.

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