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Posts posted by gazman25

  1. another target place is hillsborough shopping center my nan got her purse stolenthis time last year in the card shop she wasnt botherd about the money so much but the old pics she had in it and a family friend also last week in jjs had hers tuck out ov her bagwhen payin at the till ...such sad peps that do this as it seems they go for older peps ..sadly we never got anything back from my nans but the other persons purse was found in the top car park and also my nan died afew days after bless her ...would any1 do anythin ie shout or ask the person what they thought they was doin if they saw some1 do such a horrid thing ,i would ...linzi

  2. hiya i had mine done in march this year

    i had mine done on the nhs but at thornberry by mr akroyd..he is great and he gave me my life back ..i did have illnesses which made me gain weight but also i wasn't great with my food having this op was the best thing that has happened to me i was 25s.11lbs in march and a size 32 i am now 16s9lbs and a size 22 and also have become pregnant after been told my weight and illnesses wouldn't allow me to have any more and also my illnesses have changed my weight had come off fast and i can now see the change and feel the benefits of it i never stop now everyday is a new 1 and i live to enjoy now i cant tell you how much it hurts cos i have never felt pain like it but after a few days it goes away and you start to make a mends but you cant stand straight or walk down stairs standing and sitting hurt don't sneeze or cough lol it kills but you will be happy you did it if you feel like me i always walked with my head down never went to party's always mist the photos and now i am on every pic i can get on on the dance floor and always got my head held high and a smile from ear to ear if u would like to meet up i am willing to tell you more cos i never found out what to expect and i will not lie its no easy ride the food change is hard but once u have got your head into it and understand the feeling u get when u r full its fine food u can eat to are so different and u dont miss the bad stuff at all well i dont i eat 3 meals aday with fruit and veg fish chicken and turkey is all i can keep down well loads i can tell you so if u want contact me i am gazs wife linzi hope what i have put might help u out and good luck with you new life ahead of you

  3. so glad they have been found.... no way is it a hoax cos they live at the end ov our road n my friend was talkin to the mum and dad just an hour ago or so and they was missing and police had been looking for them ...

    i wouldnt know which 2 do 1st hug n love them or shout n give them a slight slap its alot to be put throw as a parent or when involved in a case like this 1 as i was in the same myself with my mum about 2 years ago well i am just glad they have been found and hopin that they r ok and nothin bad happened to them lets hope it was just boys been boys n that they went on a mission n went to far ....glad that all the s/f members got together at a time like this pat on the back 2 u all nice 2 know if u ever need major help s/f will be right at hand to help ...waitin now to find out what the monkeys got up 2

  4. can 1 of you stay at the meeting point at all times & give your mobile number to evry1 involved so evry1 can be contacted once they are found


    i can wait at the school if needed as i am expecting but willing and wanting to help i have a mobile so i can give it out n keep up dates

    i understand how the family feel as 2 years ago i lost my mum n she went missin 4 3 days befor we found her and no1 helpt us so i will do what i can this will be best for me i think as i dont have a car ......kust let me know if this is ok

  5. we live right at the side ov the spider park i would help out in a search a pic ov the 2 would help so we could see who they are and what they look like if its the boy that delivers the papers on dial house road i know who it is i hope they r found well n safe and soon if u would like to park your cars on our front contact me as there is loads ov room n its right in the middle ov wisewood anythin to help out is a search been done ..let me know

  6. i had to claim benefits after i had my son in 2002 due to an illness which i will now have for life it made my daily life n needs very hard it was a long and depressing stage of my life but i got my claim sorted n payments came after that but then in 2004 the stop my benefits n i had no money at all and was even more ill so i went to tribunal it tuck over 2 years to sort but i got it back and the 3.5k they owed me also i then was told i could get dla too after that so things r looking good but i would rather not have the illness n still b working as i loved my job but life's life i think they try to make it hard for u so will just give up they said no way should i have had it stop n that i was also allowed dla which i didn't know about it might be only for a short time u want to claim for it but if u r entitled to it then u should have it just keep on at them i phoned every day 2times aday till i got what i was entitled too ......linzi (not gazman im his wife )

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