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mrs m

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Posts posted by mrs m

  1. Hi all!!


    I have a little ask if at all possible? A friend of mines little girl sadly passed away 2 weeks ago. She was just 2.5 years old. She went to bed a regular little girl but by the morning she was gravely ill. She had picked up 3 very common viruses and all 3 of them attacked her organs and sadly her tiny body wasn't strong enough to fight it.


    We are desperately trying to win a competition to get the new Thomsons Dreamliner named after little Edie. If you would be so kind as to vote for this using the link below I would be eternally grateful to you all.




    The prize money will be donated to the hospital charity that cared for Edie. If you would like to track the progress of this campaign please search #flyhighedie on Facebook or Twitter


    Thank you xx

  2. Hi, I am really happy as a new Netto has just opened on Queens Road. The products seem good value. What do you all think of the products and prices? What do you all buy there? I like the Yoghurts and cakes.:)


    I went last week with a £5 off voucher. Filled the freezer up with meat. Bought a couple of steaks from there and they were the nices steaks i've ever had from a supermarket (the cook took credit for how good they tasted ;) )


    And 500g of 5% fat mince for £1.09 - you can't go wrong

  3. Hi all,


    After a little bit of help and pointing in the right direction please!


    We are wanting to have a driveway done on our front garden. Our road is getting a bit of a nightmare to park on as its only a small road and now I too have a car, i'm adding to the problem!


    I've found that you need to pay for the council to come and check that the kerb can be lowered, but do you also require planning permission?


    Any advice would be appreciated.



  4. I think pedestrians need eyes in the back of their head when it is like this. Granville road and city road do cause a lot of problems. It is scary watching the cars slide down and take out the parked cars on Granville it happens as soon as there is enough snow to cover the road, just due to the amount of traffic and no stopping distances....as there are cars parked lining the road they act as a buffer so thankfully the children walking to the school or college are protected a little. A hill can cause so many problems in the snow!


    I'm not going to lie - I was terrified walking down it this morning especially when a car travelled past me sideways after turning onto Granville from City Road! It made me want to turn round and walk back home for my own safety!!!


    Yes, i'm a drama queen :hihi:

  5. Lola is our 10 month old very excitable Yorkshire terrier puppy. Both mum and dad are long haired so you can imagine what her coat is like! We've got an appointment for her coat to be groomed and cut Tuesday and im wanting to keep on top of grooming and brushing her coat as shes developing dreadlocks (shes absolutely non stop as you can imagine haha!). However she sees a brush as a toy and is impossible to get to stay still long enough for me to brush her, plus she wants to pinch the brush to bite and fight with it - she "likes" the bristles tickling her I think.


    Can anyone offer any tips on how to get her used to being groomed at home and not thinking its a game?? She has a short attention span and as much as I try I can't help but laugh at her beimg playful with the brush. Also, whats the best kind of brush to use??

  6. Hi,


    been to a wedding there myself and a few xmas do's. Its a nice venue and the food i've had was better than other large hotel venues i've been to before, but extremely expensive for guests! The bar prices are extortionate - £6.40 for a gin and tonic 2 years ago so could be more now.


    The xmas do's i've been to i've organised and they are great for communication - but I appreciate a wedding is very different to organising a works do! I'm pretty sure she'll be able to negotiate a decent deal with them.

  7. The following has just been circulated round my work:


    A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Blackburn Brook Catchment.


    Flooding is possible for Blackburn Brook from High Green to Meadowhall, including Charlton Brook, Ecclesfield Brook and Whitley Brook within the next few hours.


    Low lying land and roads will be affected first.


    No other current Flood Warnings are in force for Yorkshire South and West.


    There is a forecast for heavy rain across the Blackburn Brook catchment from about 4:00pm to 6:00pm. With the current wet catchment conditions, we could expect to see river levels rise quickly in response to the rain.


    Please be aware of the continuing storm systems which will continue to impact Yorkshire over the next 3 to 4 days.


    The river level recording station used for this flood alert is Ecclesfield Morrisons, Sheffield Wincobank


    - Check your flood response plans to see how your organisation needs to respond.


    - To speak to your local Environment Agency Duty Officer, call the Incident Communication Service on 0845 850 3518.


    - Advise the public to call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quickdial 138499 for up-to-date flooding information.


    - The Environment Agency website contains details of river level and flooding information and can be accessed at http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk.


    - Please report any flooding in your area to your local Environment Agency office.




    Yorkshire and North East Region, Yorkshire Area Flood Warning Duty Officer Don and Aire Area Incident Room Lateral House

    8 City Walk


    LS11 9AT

  8. Its discoloured paws will be from its eyes :( hmm every now and then there is a Boy torti but it is ridiculously rare (cant remember the figures :hihi:) would love to see a pic of this one.


    If the cat is as you describe he certainly sounds like he needs help...I would take him!


    Its his back paws too that are discoloured. I made a mistake, hes a tabby - haha! I alwasy get the two mixed up. The white of my tabby girls paws is super white, even though shes out all day, so i'm comparing his to hers. I'll try and get a picture of him next time he's around - he's got such a beautiful little face!!


    Didn't see the little man last night - typical that I mention the V word and he disappears haha! I just can't bear the thought of him not having a warm place to go now the cold weather is coming in

  9. Thanks all - just called my vets who I take my cats to and they will check for a chip for free.


    I did wonder about the tortie colouring, but "it" certainly looks like he's got boys "bits" haha!! Will get him checked for a chip and if no avail, will contact RSPCA. I've asked around neighbours on the road and no one knows who owns him/her. I don;t know what to do for the best really. Both mine are chipped so that could be traced back to me. But if it isn't chipped but it DOES belong to someone, am I doing the right thing taking him to the RSPCA??? Its got a very weepy eye, discoloured paws and scabby skin so I think it must have fleas.

  10. There has been a lovely tortie boy cat hanging round my garden for the last few weeks. He doesn't look very old at al, would say no more than 9 months l, and he's started trusting me a bit to stroke him - his skin is quite scabby and is riddled with fleas.


    I'm wanting to find out if he belongs to anyone really. Obviously don't to assume he is a stray - he's incredibly friendly so I think he is used to human company. But the white of his paws is a very off colour, as though he hasn't got a great diet or somewhere to groom himself. He seems to be around at any hour.


    Does anyone know where I could take him to check if he has a chip?

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