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Posts posted by Frohike

  1. Thanks guys for the advice & info, much appreciated. Have tried doing a retune/scan & nothing. If I take one outside it works fine. Spoke with my neighbour, who is upset about it. He has contacted the panel company, who basically don't want to know!

    Thanks anyway guys.

  2. Hope I'm in the right section for this! Now, I don't know if anyone else has come across this, I have 3 radios in my house, 1 in living room, kitchen & dining room. All in good order. My next door neighbour has had solar panels installed on his roof. Now, I cannot get a digital radio signal on any of my radios. Has anyone heard of this happening before? Any advice would be welcome. Many thanks.

  3. It's never ending! New Doctor Who tonight, season 9 of the Walking Dead starts on Monday & the 3rd season of the Man in the High Castle has started. When are we supposed to watch all this telly? There's the 3 already mentioned, then there's Emmerdale, we're working our way through Nashville & Deadwood. Plus Bake Off & The Apprentice. Oh, and we've got to go to work too!

  4. Not sure if anyone else has recommended this, but Deadwood is amazing.


    About ten years old, it's a series about cowboy-types living in a town that hasn't yet become a part of America. God digging, swearing, honour, politics, gun firing and the actor who played Lovejoy as a powerful, Machiavellian saloon owner called Al Swearengen. Pretty intelligently done with great storylines and memorable characters.


    Yes, I've just started watching this, I quite like it. The OH & I have also started watching Nashville, which is quite good too ☺

  5. I remember going to see this at the cinema with my folks. It was in the 70's, I would have been 8 or 9. It was at the ABC on Angel Street & the film was shown as part of a double feature with a cartoon. I remember it was the first film I'd seen with real people mixed with animation, thought the whole thing was brilliant! Going to be singing 'zipa dee doo dah' for the rest of the day now!!

  6. Hi, anyone playing Forza 7?


    I realise its not new anymore, I'm still running around in Forza6, which I do think is quite good. Just wondering is it worth upgrading? I know its 4K and all that jazz, but I dont have 4K telly or Xbox X, just the S.

  7. I recall all the food shops that were in Market Place as you walked up to Sainsburys Savacentre. The entrance to Savacentre is approx where Starbucks is now outside BHS.


    There was a shop just selling eggs, one selling cheese and the butchers and coffee shop stayed longer than the rest. The nut hut was also along there before relocating to the corner.


    Savacentre was brilliant and massive and had a Post Office for years. Being less than 1 mile from home it was my regular shop.


    Yes I remember those good little shops, especially the cheese shop. Do you also remember The Bakewell Pudding Shop? ☺

  8. Young Owain did alright this morning, you could sense a nervousness in his delivery and the fact he was coming to terms with the local area. He was't bad at all. Nice to hear a different voice now and again.


    Yes I agree, I've enjoyed his show the last two mornings. Get to listen to most of it before going to work.

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