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Posts posted by lucasdigital

  1. I took a photo:



    I was just searching for news of the incident as I jogged past them about 15 minutes after they landed - by which time a road ambulance was driving away from the landing site, down Greaves lane - very slowly, I might add. I'm really glad they're still flying, it's good to know there's still the possibility of a medical response within minutes - regardless of being off-road.

  2. I see..... so what would be your advise on my problem?

    I used to get 1.1 mbps speed and as you can now see the speed has dropped a lot and has been like this for a few weeks now.



    Ah right. Sorry, I didn't know you'd historically had a faster connection. My mum's on Woodfarm Avenue, during the summer her connection speed was dropped by Plusnet back to about 128kbps. The current version of ADSL automatically adjusts the connection speed to ensure that the connection is stable, occasionally it gets stuck on a slower speed as a result of short lived fault. I disconnected the old router from bedroom extension socket and now run a wireless router from the master socket. The speed quickly retrained to about 1Mbps.


    You may be right about the bad weather. I'd stick to my guns calling Talk Talk, get them to reset your connection speed back to the speed you were getting and see if that keeps up.


    Some other points:

    BT take a hard line regarding 'line faults'. They still have the mindset that - if you can make phone calls and get connected - you don't have a line fault.


    The speed checkers that ISPs use isn't a 'live' test, it's based on some guesswork based on your distance from the exchange. There's a good chance that moving to another ISP won't improve matters - although it might just by someone resetting your broadband service - something that I think Talk Talk could do if you tell them you're planning to leave because of the drop in speeds.


    It sounds like you checked your own setup, I'd say that the most critical check you can do is connecting from your master socket - worth doing, even if you have to set your computer up in the hallway, just to check if internal wiring is having an impact.


    Good luck!

  3. Old thred but I need to bump it.

    I live on Woodfarm Drive, just up woodlane for those who don't know it.

    For years I've only ever been able to get a 1 meg connection from Talk Talk and that's on a good day.


    Right now my speeds are 672.0 kbps. I've phoned BT about my phone line issues before but apprently the phone line is working fine. My equipment works fine also (aside from my router I bought myself, due to my slow internet at the moment).


    My contract with Talk Talk is over now and I am open to switching to somewhere that can offer me better speeds if at all possible. I've been thinking about switching to BT but not sure if that would help. It's very frustrating having these slow speeds even when using a modem. Almost more frustrating than knowing Stannington is stuck in the stone age when it comes to broadband speeds it would seem.


    Any advice or help would be great.




    Until this fibre service is more widely available, we're stuffed. Unless there's a cable service, pretty much the only means of getting broadband is over the available phone network (BT's wires and cabinets). In our case there are two factors that result in Stannington's poor speeds. Firstly our local exchange is way over at Wadsley Bridge. Available broadband speeds drop off, the further away you are from your exchange.


    Secondly, there was a shortage of copper when much of Stannington's phone cabling was laid out, so a fair amount of aluminum was used, which was acceptable for carrying voice signals, but lousy for broadband.


    Now, because Stannington doesn't have a cable service, if you get broadband from a company that isn't BT you're effectively still getting the same quality of broadband, in terms of maximum available speed (because Talk Talk, Virgin et al still use BT's infrastructure).


    Where different Internet providers comes in is when you're getting a maximum available speed, but your actual speed is persistently falling below this. Then the cause of the poor speed is usually congestion on the service.

  4. My girlfriend and myself were leaving a party in Heeley and saw a collection of fast moving lights, seemingly flying in a loose formation. I saw maybe 5 - 8 lights . We got a taxi to Ecclesall road, and they seemed to over-fly us. Extremely strange. I've had a life long interest in aviation and science and these things have me very excited, and a bit spooked.


    Very impressive for amusements!

  5. I may be wrong but I do believe that all the photographs being referred to were being taken after the emergency services were on site and doing what they do best.


    The photos on the Flickr site that I posted were taken at about 8:25am during the clear up operation. The injured driver had already been taken away, although a lot of the response team were picking over the cab, and the protective cowl was still in place, so it wasn't possible to be sure what was going in in the bus. A police photographer was busily photographic every little detail, so I didn't I was intruding by taking a few shots behind him.


    I find the idea of photographing injured people extremely distasteful and would definitely distance myself from those who may have photographed the driver using their phone cameras.


    I was shocked by the damage to the two buses, and at the had feared that both drivers must have been killed instantly. I posted them to the forum because I didn't think that people who were discussing the accident could have grasped how violent the crash had been. I am very sorry if anyone was upset by the photos, but they only show structural damage to buses, and are no different from those used in the Sheffield Star's article.

  6. I don't understand how people can just stand there and take photos like that


    I wouldn't take photos of injured people, I certainly wouldnt "chase" accidents - but these photos have informed people better about what went on. Absolutey no different to any photo or footage you see on the news. Hopefully you'd understand the value of that...

  7. Originally posted by brooksy

    anybody on this forum used 2 go down 2 torksey in lincolnshire in the 70s. there was a real good gang of sheffield lads and lasses who hung out together , n barrat, darbys, b .brooks, and loads more . the sites they were on were the elms, swan , rydal mount, hume arms and little london. we used 2 hang out in the castle pub, carpenters, and raindeer, be great 2 hear from anyone from then cheers






    I was probably too young to be in any gangs. I tended to stay in the Rydal mount sand pit with a clutch of Star Wars figures, if I wasn't fishing with my grandfather.


    What wonderful times!

  8. Originally posted by WALLBUILDER



    Here is the link to the latest collection of people who could be found in the Wap in the early to mid 80's, one or two should look familiar if it's only the DJ

    Before you ask I didn't include one of myself , don't want to scare you all awaay.


    Ahhh yes, it was the real deal that Wapentake. Great collection of photos!


    They are all take long before my time at the "Wop" but looking at the mad combinations of hair and clothing makes me feel misty eyed with relief.

  9. I have a friend who lives in one of the flats. It's a great flat, and a pretty good location. I understand that their value has risen sharply since they built the West One apartment complex.


    I think that your going to have to be realistic about getting two parking spaces. There are places to park close by, but I'd be concerned about security.


    The parking spots in West One were going for about 8K (so I was told). Its not a good place to run a car, but if You work in the city you don't need to do much driving..

  10. Originally posted by Tony

    Jeez.. please don't waste their time :roll:


    Anyway, if it is the same person, yes there was a solicitor and he shot / stabbed the family and ended up the tower of Ruen Cathedral threatening to jump. Like most wife/child killers, he didn't have the guts so he was locked up.


    Sugworth Hall? Ughill Hall? One or the the other.



    I didn't mean call 999!!! There are half a dozen puplic relations/press officers. Though most of the people they talk to are journalists they are happy to respond to serious enquiries, say if you were writing that book on local crime...etc.

  11. Originally posted by Noswal

    Not to sure as to the year. I know the house has been empty for some time. THe rumour was that the father/husband killed his wife and children and then did a runner to france, ever since then the house has been empty. Rumour or fact?. Do you know of any Sheffield based archive that may be able to help?


    The police!


    While they probably wont post you a case file, it is possible that the case was notorious enough (if it is true) that someone is still remembers the gory details. If they don't help, you can bally well ask them why they have a link on their site to the Campaign for Freedom of Information.... :-)

  12. Originally posted by johnjo

    I can remember being in Redgates waiting for Darth Vader to make an appearance. I was mesmerised by him when he did, he looked HUGE!!:P


    You to?!!


    Was that you who got big Ds signature scrawled on your forehead. Unless he made a regular visits I was there too!




    Redgates was the bees knees. It was the Mecha of Mechano, The Sanctuary of Starwars Figures the Boudoir of Barbie..err.. ahem.


    On another note, if what I was told was true it was driven out of business by Hamleys which itself closed down while the corpse that was Redgates was still warm. Business ethics..I think not.

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