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Posts posted by annemeg

  1. parchmentcraftmagazine.com


    This is a wonderful site to explore. If you click on PARCHMENT (gallery) you'll find lots of examples also if you go into parchment craft forums you'll find most people have a picture trail link. These include lots of parchment photos.



  2. A brilliant craft shop to visit is B-Craft-E on Sandstone Road. It's at the back side of Meadowhall. Sandstone Road is off the the left half way up Jenkin Road. I discovered this shop last November and has a wide range of everything and also runs regular craft classes. Not a shop to visit if you're in a hurry as there's so much to see.

  3. Yes it is. I know it sounds strange as when you go in you think you're in the wrong place, being surrounded by Scout & Guide stuff. When you go in the shop look to the wall at the left and you will see a small amount of craft bits and pieces but just ask and you'll be directed to the downstairs craft department. It will shortly be better signed and better publicised. At the moment there are some good bargains to be had.

  4. A new craft shop which is in it's infancy is at the Scout Supplies Shop on Trippet Lane. I know it sounds strange but it's going to be really good. It is open now although there is only a small area on the ground floor of the shop but the main area is downstairs. The staff are brilliant and if you ask they will direct you as, at the moment, it isn't signed. It does need lots of support to get 'off the ground' successfully. Vicky is the lady who is running it and will always be pleased to meet you.



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