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Posts posted by Claireabell6

  1. I think i might be trying this.

    I did Drapers for a while and learned the basics just never got the opportunity to do them again, so I forget them.


    Hello, thats good and Im sure you will enjoy yourself. Wednesday nights are now closed because of lack of numbers but Thursdays are packed and the atmosphere is really good.


    Anyway if you do go have a great night!!



  2. Iv had my car washed and polished at "Splash" carwash on Rutland Road this morning. It is a fairly new business owned by a lady called Emma who only employs women to work there.


    She did a fantastic job on my car this morning and I highly recommend her services.


    They are on Rutland Road (on the left as you go up to Pitsmoor).




  3. Hi all - I went to Rowlinson 1981 - 1985 - I was in Miss Cawthorne's Class (who Married Mr Harvey ha ha). I was in the same class as Cathy Taylor, Helen Shaw, Jenette Gregory, Zia Dinn (no longer with us), Craig Thickett, Alan Pete to name a few. School was good then and I have fond memories of camping at Hagg Farm and wagging maths ha ha.

  4. Hi Claireabell, He's great isn't he sugar, One of the nicest men i've eva met. he puts you a ease realy quickly. i know it sound like i'm promoting him but he's changed my life xx


    Yes he is lovely - we did far too much chatting when I went!!! He did change our lives and when I think of the money I wanna cry.


    There are times when I do fancy a cig but I just cant' bring myself to do it - I don't know whether its the hypno but something inside me won't let me do it. I do believe it works I really do.



  5. I also stopped smoking with Martin at Sheffield Clinical Hypnosis. I went on 11 May last year and haven't had one since - EASY! The reason I went was because it worked for my sister (over a year now) then my partner went and it worked for him also.


    I have a friend who thought it was so easy to stop after hypnosis that she could start smoking again and stop when she wanted to. That didn't work so she went back to Martin for her floating session and hasn't smoked since.


    I know many of you are sceptical but if you really really want to stop then definately find the money.


    Good luck!

  6. Hi there


    I went to Rowlinson and left in 1986. Seems funny to be talking about people we liked and disliked. My school best friend Jenette Gregory was really nice but there were a couple of girls in my class who I wonder what became of them ie Kerry Mansell and Alicia Marcroft. I think the majority of my year were ok although it is strange when you hear about some that have died etc.




  7. Would you stop to help or at least ask them if they was ok? I went shopping last night and I was walking back to the car with my shopping bags when I tripped and fell dropping all my shopping and banged me knee up pretty bad. What I couldnt belive though was that no one ask if I was ok, a guy had to step over the shopping that I had dropped to get past me but just kept on going. After picking my very sore and embarrased self up and my shopping I saw a few people behind me that was just staring at me.


    If I saw someone fall over, and I have done, I would at least ask if they was ok


    I fell, near the Wicker in my lunch hour when I was hugely pregnant. Nobody picked me up or even looked at me.


    I would definately ask someone if they were ok - definately!!!



  8. Imagine someone started learning a musical instrument. They might not have the best teacher and have to use a tatty old instrument but they work on it as best they can, practicing regularly and getting to grips with all the notation and theories, harmonics and key signatures and the like. Even after a few years, they're still a bit wobbly, certainly not professional standard, and would never expect to be.


    But sometimes they hit completely the wrong note or the reed keeps squeaking, or they try a piece that is a bit beyond their level. Even if they have goodish runs, they still have moments when their amateurism shows through and it's quite painful on the ear.


    Would you scold them for not practicing enough or not trying hard enough, or would you consider that they were doing really well considering they've only been playing it at all for a limited time?


    And do you think that adults find it harder to learn an instrument than children, and why?


    I'm going to add a poll which I've never done before :clap:



    Well - I believe that playing any instrument is hard and lots of practice is needed. Instruments are learnt and played for pleasure and however you make your instrument sound should be praised. I can't wait for my son to be old enough to learn an instrument and I shall praise him every step of the way as I would with an adult.


    Keep playing - music is wonderful!!

  9. Does anyone know if those plugs you get to get rid of spiders really works?

    I am so scared of the things crawling on me when im in bed has i have had 10 of the big ones in my bedroom over the last few week.

    i know they wont kill me but the heart attack i suffer from these things may do.

    i know it sounds silly to some people but i hate them :mad:


    They absolutely DO work. I was so sick of living in fear of spiders I bought some from a company called Nautalia (or something like that) it cost £30 for 3, I have one plugged in the kitchen, one in the lounge and one in our bedroom. I haven't seen any spiders in our house since and I plugged them in at the beginning of September.


    My sister however bought the battery operated ones and has still had very large spiders in her house. She even placed conkers in every room (that is supposed to get rid of them) but found a spider crawling over one of them and she squirted clove oil around too. Nothing worked!!


    My suggestion is definately buy the plug in ones - they work. I couldn't sleep in a room where there were lots of spiders - shudder.


    Hope this helps - good luck

  10. Haha, its the nhs....Maybe I could say BUPA?! My friend did the fish thing when we worked at coop, luckily i left only a couple of days later. Its been shut down now and refitted as an Mc&Co or something, but still whiffs a bit!


    I dont hate them at all, I just think they are being ridiculously childish in this case. I guess its livening up their working day but its blimmin irritating. They keep asking me to stay longer....why would I want to stay in a dead end job!? (i'm NOT saying that everyone who works for the nhs is in a dead end job, but this one is particularly easy and pointless)


    Ahh - it all sounds mean to me. I work for the NHS and we are lovely but I have heard that others aren't. Sorry you're having a rotten experience, whereabouts are you working??

  11. Ive had this with oriental cats- they like to drag out your dirty laundry or your skimpies and present them to unsuspecting guests at the most inopportune moments...Could well be either a need to collect things with your scent on them or a bit of boredom - you could try keeping her amused with a stuffed Kong when you're out, and not let her wander where she might cause some damage- although she might not be doing it now, it's possible she could if left alone for long enough - dogs love to burrow and scratch bedding and wsoft furnishings, my daft dobe does it when she's having a phantom pregnancy- she collects stuff from around the house and tries to create a 'nest' in our bed, cheeky tart that she is... That's a point, actually, is she spayed yet? If not, it might be her having a phantom pregnancy...just a thought.


    Oh gosh - we have been told that she is probably in season because she is humping any dog in sight (strange). Could that be the reason??


    I have fetched a little bolt so she can't get through the door and I shall give her a blanket with our sent on and leave the radio on tomorrow. She will be left for 2 hours in the morning so wish me good luck - she's very good otherwise!!!!!!!



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