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Posts posted by willo

  1. But you are confusing two issues. Complaining about waste at the BBC is a different issue than whether they should be partly funded by a License fee.


    my issues were examples of why they should perhaps not be funded by a license fee, as the BBC is a public corporation & thus supposed to be owned by the British public i was highlighting what i consider the way they squander the monies forced from the public & come back every year asking for more. if a private company were to manage revenue the same they would go bust. I am confused as i don't see 2 issues, kindest regards willo.


    ---------- Post added 03-12-2012 at 07:09 ----------


    apologies, you are correct. the license fee is for the usage of a television receiver & thus a tax on the ownership of a TV set. sorry, i let my BBC rantings get in the way of common sense [should listen to my Mrs more-lol] Kindest regards Willo:)


    ---------- Post added 03-12-2012 at 07:10 ----------


    But you are confusing two issues. Complaining about waste at the BBC is a different issue than whether they should be partly funded by a License fee.


    apologies, you are correct. the license fee is for the usage of a television receiver & thus a tax on the ownership of a TV set. sorry, i let my BBC rantings get in the way of common sense [should listen to my Mrs more-lol] Kindest regards Willo

  2. In my humble opinion, The license fee is wrong. Take for example look north, they have 2 people reading the news,they have a person talking about sport & they have a weather person, have the BBC not heard of multitasking? then there's things like the heavy flooding last week, why do they always have some person up to the privates wading about in floodwater accompanied by film crew-lighting crew- sound crew-etc-etc? then there's the heavy snow! not long ago they had some woman seeing if she could get from one end of Yorkshire to the other in the extreme weather that had crippled the country,for no apparent reason other than they thought it might be interesting news! why?. Also there have been times when the BBC have paid so called celebs vast sums of money in so called golden handcuff deals to stop them defecting to rival channels [selina scott-natasha Kaplinsky- jonathan ross] why? BBC Radio, I haven't listened to radio 1 since the 1970s when it was 12 hours of the top 40 making recording artists & djs rich so why should i be paying for a multitude of channels that i don't use ? I believe the BBC is a dinosaur of a corporation that does not earn the right to be force subsided by anyone owning a TV & should be made pay per view, thus perhaps the available channels could concentrate on the programs that people actually watch,after all aren't we told that competition is healthy? as regards commercial breaks,with the advent of PVRS i don't see a problem! On a final note, as the BBC is a non commercial channel,why do they have people on day in day out talking about their latest record-book-or what pantomime they are in blah-blah & why when we are rescheduled to watch England/Scotland/Ireland play blatishcronia [or whatever] at football or cricket [or whatever the BBC seems to think we all like] are the advertising hoardings not blanked out,after all its not commercial TV [is it:confused:]

  3. Last time we had a Beatles debate, I tagged them "The Take That of the 1960s" (in that they were a boy band put together more for their looks than their ability designed to appeal to screaming teenages girls). That being the case I would typify McCartney as the Gary Barlow of his generation - a writer of bland simple songs with obvious chord changes, meaningless cliches lyrics designed to appeal to the masses without ever touching anyone on an emotional level.


    methinks you are confusing the Beatles with the monkees!

  4. I saw Phil and boys at the city hall. Totally underated and a major influence on many later bands.


    UFO? You're having a laugh. Check yoububes for evidence. 12 bar gonads.


    Ive a mate here in Scarborough whose an electrician & used to do the stage setup at the futurist theater here in its heyday [70s-80s] & he reckons without exception Lizzie were the best live band he ever saw.

  5. is that wombat if i remember right Dave Lowe was your

    hero with his long hair and rock star looks .


    yep tis me, how ya doin Dougie, my first job in life after school & the only job in my life where every one i met & worked with was sound as a pound. spoke to alka recently, he said he still sees you in't village, have one in the maggies for me. so you're a bus driver now! bit different from driving a shearer & blowing things up with dynamite downt pit-lol. Scargill & thatcher didn't just kill an industry between em the killed a way of life. ttfn.

  6. my cousin Geoffrey nicolson worked there as an electrician he lived in the villge all his live as did my uncle reg and aunt edith with his sister linda who still lives there, now works as a doctors receptionist used to live on arundel st/rd/ave/ what ever it was called unfortunatly there is only my female cousin linda left uncle reg was the first then our geof, finally aunt edith. when we visited them we would often go down to treeton dyke


    hi there was Geoff nix's apprentice, him & his mate Jeff steel, on nights on't pit top, after a few bevvies int Station pub, top lads.

  7. My step-dad/mum's partner worked at Treeton Colliery - Frank Sneesby. He still lives in Treeton and is working as a self-employed engineer.


    hi beccy, i used to work with frank & his mate Dave Lowe, think it was on 9s, i was their apprentice for a while around the early 70s. top bloke ,happy days. kindest regards willo.

  8. our lass likes the soaps on tv, myself like every bloke i know sits with a book & pretends not to be watching. the thing is, I'd like to know why before these shows start do at least 2 commentators tell you whats going to happen to who-where-what character? the one show is the same, you're told just prior to the start who's on, then they start the show with the- he's really famous-been in loadsa films & rock bands-dated loadsa models- is good to his mum-blah blah,;) i know i should get out more as they say! but i find this rather annoying.

  9. That must be Wombat great to here from you mate its been along time .what are doing these days and how are you going .do you remember when we took your dads car for a spin round asda car park .Are you still at scarborough . i bet you been waiting this reply all day.


    yooooo, dougie me ole mate, yep its me! i remember lots o' things we got up to you old hooligan you- hehe. i've been asking alka for years about you, he said he aint seen you in the village so i guess you'd moved away, yep i'm a scarbor'o lad now but been looking on here for afew years & reminiscing. you ever see pete allen or zeb about? i heard roy & brian baker had moved to spain, saw trev cobb here in scarbro' a few years back when you had those bad floods in sheff' he did'nt know where any one was these days either-lol. i guess when we leave brinny its a bit like moving up north on eastenders- we disappear, i remember us in me dads car & i remember racing you on our lambrettas, you looking like you was gonna win & me cheatin' & nearly knocking us both off the things & you not best pleased chasing me down't street like cassius clay, good job i could run in them days-lol' will send you a P.M. with my phone number, really great to see you on here mate.TTFN.

  10. Arthur Spencer [overman] Jim daly[undermanager] Nosher &Raz [beltmen]all the guys on 10s who let me drive the shearer when i got bored-lol & many more whose names i'l put in when i remember, oops just remembered slasher Howell, who always regaled us with his wartime exploits [he was mentioned in dispatches] & the story doi'n the rounds was that when Slasher went to Buckingham Palace to collect his medals, field marshall Montgomery picked him up in his staff car & as they got within sight of the palace the King turned to Churchill & asked who that was with Slasher? lol happy days,best days of my working life,top people in & out of work.


    Hi Willo My neighbour Sadie is Arthur Spencer's sister, she was the youngest and is now the only one living, she is 82 years old. If you want to get in touch with her to ask her anything, I'll ask if she would like to exchange emails, okay? :)


    hi joto,arthur was a proper nice bloke, i remember being on 10s in the early 70s & we got talking about music & he got us all singing a raucous rendition of chuck berrys my ding a ling! which the colliery manager [who was'nt noted for his sense of humour] & visitors did'nt seem to like much-lol.

  11. hi there, just had this on 2 tyres [alloy wheels] tyreshop removed tyres cleaned [inner] wheels & coated them [don't know what with] sorted. as said by previous posters- apparrantly alloy wheels are prone to pitting on the rims causing the problem. i was also advised not to use tyreweld/stopleak-etc. as in some conditions this might work but it puts the tyre out of balance & the tyrefitter wo'nt like being covered in it when he removes the tyre! hope this helps,cheers willo.

  12. Straightforward opinions have been voiced about the rights and wrongs of this issue. I support what Thatcher did. However I cannot understand why clean coal technology has not been introduced. The NUM under Scargill were a political force determined to undermine the democratic process.They were the shock troops of the union movement, they had to be beaten.


    please read this--http://www.socialismtoday.org/81/miners.html

  13. Thatcher was right. Scargill was using the miners for his own political reasons. He was funded by Gaddafi and the Russians.


    Th pits were churning out coal that no one wanted. Pits were uneconomical, why should they be subsidised?


    the only thing thatcher was right about was not having a european superstate [with us included in it], she apparantly had a fear of the NUM causing her grief as they were credited doing to her predecessor [whom she stabbed in the back] 1 ted heath.as for scargil, if he had called a ballot & made the whole thing legal ,maybe we'd still have a mining industry now! as regards subsidising the coal industry, the coal industry was owned by the people of this country & not mrs thatcher,home produced coal was used in power stations [which at the time were also nationalised industries] the idea being that this country was self sufficient.during my time in the mines [early to mid 70s] we were told at college that there was enough coal of the highest grade in yorkshire alone to power the country for 700 years still unmined, the coal we were getting at Treton was so good it had to be mixed with slack [rubbish] or it would burn the grates out in the power stations, the price per tonne [1974] to the power stations £ 6 , at the same time the government were importing coal from poland £14 per ton that had to come to our pit to be mixed with our [yorkshire coal] before it would burn properly in the power stations.The miners at the time were 14th in the national pay scale & imho miners have never been treated fairly by any government of this country.as for the stockpiles of coal that you say no body wanted/needed this was a move by the government to switch to oil & gas fired power stations, thus alleviating the dependency on coal. fast forward to the present day & look at the state we're in now, extortionate fuel bills,our armed forces fighting in the middle east [or where ever there might be oil] perhaps if the main protagonists of the miners strike [thatcher/scargill]had been more sensible we would still be self sufficient in the energy game.P.S. the british empire was built on King Coal.

  14. Thatcher and her cohorts did there job they broke the working class and we are now seeing the outcome.

    Millions out of work due to closing our heavy industries especially in places like Sheffield.

    The Industries in Question have been relocated abroad so as to take advantage of the cheap labour some times this work is even done by kids.

    The situation that we are now left with is that working people are turning against each other and forgetting who the real culprits are for the situation that we are now in.


    well said.

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