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Red pepper

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Posts posted by Red pepper

  1. I moved house a couple of months ago and have been donating sacks of items, averaging a sack a week to this shop. I bought a top for my son last week

    and as with all secondhand clothes, i removed the tag and washed it before letting him wear it. It was far too small so i returned it to the shop. They refused to refund it as i had removed the tag although i had the tag and receipt as proof of purchase. I respect your need to follow procedures but i will now be taking my donations to another charity shop.

  2. Did you used to live in Broomhall, were you brought up in the area or do you live there now?


    On Saturday March 15th at the Broomhall Centre, ‘Our Broomhall’, the Heritage Lottery Funded project, is putting on a celebration event called ‘Down Memory Lane’, to mark its first year.


    At the event we would like to give the opportunity to people who grew up in or lived in the area in the past to meet up and to meet present-day residents, to share memories and maybe see old neighbours and friends. The event is from 2.00pm-5.00pm on a drop-in basis but there will be a short formalities section at 3.30pm where we will update people on how the project is going and how you can contribute and get involved. It’s also an opportunity for you to share their stories and memories with the project on the day and to bring along your old Broomhall photos and memorabilia.


    Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a good natter about days gone past over a cup of tea and a piece of cake! Free entry including refreshments.


    For more information about the event or the ‘Our Broomhall’ project please contact Jennie Beard at ourbroomhall@gmail.com or 07810162146.

    The Broomhall Centre, Broomspring Lane, Broomhall, Sheffield, S10 2FD.

  3. I live in a nice flat in a nice street in the city centre. I was recently walking down West Street and three of the supposedly homeless people begging for spare change were my neighbours. Before you take pity on the homeless, remember some of them claim full benefits, are not homeless and are only fueling their drug addictions. I do feel sorry for the genuine homeless but in future i will only give to genuine charities.

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