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Posts posted by larde

  1. We gave India independence in 1947 so the British government must have thought this


    india and pakistan as we know today were as one in peace.(with each other a fully mixed country) when britain left the country it left a power vacume that tore the country in to pieces and genocide followed muslim killing hindus and hindus killing muslims the problems of which we are still dealling with today

    india and pakistan both fighting over kashmire

  2. But still it was only morally right that Britain did give everyone independence as they were fighting against evil in world war 2 so in my opinion if I lived at the time I would accuse britain of being hypocrites


    but also america agitated the the situation and left us with the mess in the world today in Palestine and isreal and most of africa because of the impositions you talked about in an earlier post we couldnt afford a army big enough to police the empire and corruption and greed took over and in some cases nothing more than mafias took controle the problems of wich we are still trying to sort out

  3. We didn't lose the empire like that, we had to give independence after the war otherwise britain would have been hypocrites...and Churchill never said he chose the wrong side...hehe


    it was a condition of america helping us out that we had to give independence to those that wanted so america could have (cough cough) more influance in the pacific and to free up trade as america thote it was unfair britain had a monopoly on trade


    and it is known that churchill regreted that he helped the russians and lost our empire

  4. Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


    is this true about america was planning to invade? ive heard of this before but was very patchy

  5. And as for you thinking I am defending hitler then I will ask you why would I need to, im not german, i like history so I rather know the real hitler rather than just the war hitler you all know him as..Why does this seem like a hitler apologist? I just want to know more about the man...that's all


    Adolf hitler began out seeking returning what he said was germanys area, he didn't want war with england, he actually got his aircraft sent over to fall a large number of pamphlets saying he desired england as an best friend.


    it just falls of deaf ears ppl are so brainwashed in to thinking the world is the perfect little bubble were your good or evil

    as Einstein said its all relative, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

    for instance i hate the IRA for the thing they have done but i can see beyond that to see them as the most successful gorilla army in the world

    and the fact that they have achieved so many of there goals

  6. When I edit posts (as above) I do it just to highlight the bits I'm referring to, not to distort or misrepresent. I wouldn't want to distort or misrepresent your stuff as I'd rather highlight the pro-Hitler revisionism you're into.




    I do know that a couple of years ago BNP members with multiple accounts used to have conversations with themselves on various websites. I have a suspicion Scare and Larde are two sides of the same coin.


    see your admiting to trying to distort what was been said to try and twist ppls words so you can make it look like they are in support of somthing they are not .


    the uaf also did this along with the nf and antifa


    you have no idea of my political view but yours and rons seem to be on the far left

    maybe i was wrong about ron been like hitler it seems he is more like stalin

  7. :hihi::hihi::hihi: I only just noticed this.


    Reading back on some of this stuff is hilarious. Scare and Larde (maybe one in the same as the grammar is almost identical) I imagine still wear short trousers with a catapult hanging out the rear pocket.


    Loob got it right, I'm outa here.


    pmsl just because ppl dont agree with you your getting all angry about it maybe you have more in common with hitler than you think:hihi:

  8. hmm im confused now, im leaving my flat in 2 weeks and when i asked them if i had to rip the carpets up they said no as long as its in good nick, should i rip them up to be on the safe side?


    yes take them out they will end up charging you for leaving them even if they were put in as your moving out they will find a problem with it and take photos of any damage there is in the property,

    a friend was charged £50 for a bath plug:huh::loopy:

  9. A fellow freeman of the land supporter :thumbsup:.I have tried this about council tax and TV licenses, but a huge majority on here are so brainwashed into what you have to do by the government and whats actually/factually lawfull.So expect it to fall on ignorant ears,my friend.


    already had it on another thread m8 tried to help someone but got jumped on so did some searches got the facts put it on the thread and then went back to the thread and everything was gone it was the roger hayes stuff so no real surprise i suppose.

    but all we can do is try to pass on the information we learn if they chose not to take it then that up to them

  10. Ooo goody I'm ******* me pants in anticipation.




    If you're so **** sure report me or point out the edits.




    He didn't tell his people his intent was war. He was a lying weasel skank like his present day apologists.


    Now, both of you go back to your 50's cowboy and injuns movies. And stop reading this http://www.26pigs.com/victor/lg-victor.jpg stuff for your facts.


    Poor old Adolf, he was so misunderstood, his heart was in the right place:hihi: sniff!


    no need to be racist about it or confrontational. it was merely pointed out we also committed atrocitys you were the one that jumped on your high horse then refused to answer questions you just kept saying he enslaved his ppl


    but i may owe you an apology i went back and looked it was le marquis that edited my post in his quote , and i dont report ppl for petty things if someone wants to edit my post to try and win an argument then they know they have lost


    page five on this thread i wasnt sure how to post it all in one but its there the bit about rudolf hess he kept in but deleted the questions for him

  11. I would imagine that also Includes fees incurred by the debt collecting agency sending out letters chasing for payment

    they probably handed it straight to the debt collection agency they and other corporations do this so they get the money from the debt collection company then the debt collectors call


    Don't pay it[/b]


    I used to work for them they just rob everyone


    he is right if you look on youtube youll find some help look for free man on the land you dont have a contract with a debt collection agency so own them no moneys. ask them for your signature were you agree to pay the debters they cannot produce this as you never signed a contract with them there is a few other things you must do to but i cant remember exactly what and how to word the letter you need to send thembut i will look for the links to help if you wish

  12. personaly i think they will give her a fine maybe community service a conditional discharge and may be a drugs awareness course ,

    as someone eles said it all depends what she said in interview

    if she no commented in interview (which im sure here solicitor would advise her to )she may be ok but if she mentioned anything about sharing it then shes up a certain creek without a paddle

  13. He's not necessarily wrong in what he is saying, but he's only starting from when hitler came to power, he's not looking at the bigger picture, to know what he is talking about he has to go much further back than 1933, hitlers plan was always to go to war but you need to more know than just saying he used propaganda on his people..Germany was already racist long before hitler


    i know but i hate it when ppl just ignore one side of an issue because it dosnt suit there perception of it

  14. You won't get far on here or taken seriously if you ascribe something to someone that isn't true.




    Yes, you're off topic and furthering a discussion in a schoolboy fashion by going off on silly tangents. Also "influenced" is the word you're looking for.




    You're drunk, still.


    wow realy good come back ron you sure put me in my place with the facts you just laid out there why havnt you answered any of the questions put forward to you me and scare have both put forward another side that never gets told and all you come back with is insults and googled facts

    (not saying me and scare agree on everything)


    Government income had been 10 billion Reichsmarks in 1928. In 1939, it stood at 15 billion. However, government spending had increased from 12 billion Reichsmarks in 1928 to over 30 billion in 1939 - a difference of 15 billion Reichsmarks. From 1933 to 1939, the Nazi government always spent more than it earned so that by 1939, government debt stood at over 40 billion Resichsmarks.

    Balance of trade figures had gone into the red by 1939 by 0.1 billion Reichsmarks


    and that had nothing to do with the unfair reparations, the debt was due to hitler deciding he was no longer going to pay reparations but we kept adding the debt with interest .also didnt hitler leave the international monotary system? us we as the allies caused ww2 by the strict reparations we imposed on the german ppl after ww1 (a bit like what is happening now in britain ) every last penny was squeezed from the german ppl leaving them starving and living in unsanitary conditions with murder rape and robberys and not to forget the socialist hit squads that were roming germany killing anyone that didnt agree with there socialist views (funded by stalin to undermine germany to make it soft for invasion) and then you wonder why hitler came to power

    my origanal post was about atrocity's committed on both side but you chose to ignore the fact that churchill ordered the bombing of civilians so that hitler would switch to bombing citys not the airfields so that the airforce could rebuild and train new pilots.

    you also keep refering to the jews that hitler killed stalin killed more jews and more of his own ppl than hitler ever could and proberbly in a more brutal way but yet there was never an international call for him to be tried at the hague

  16. And the reason it changed to red was because of Santa (?)


    <Holidays are coming, holidays are coming...>



    I read years ago in a random fact book that in a state (can't remember which) in the US that it is illegal to have sex with your mother-in-law on a Tuesday! :loopy:




    i think it was the other way around santa was green coke was red and they changed santa to red to fit there marketing strategy,,, ive heard it before but also on QI

  17. He's using propaganda to worm his way out... When I think of the Nazi's, the first I think of is propaganda so it's nothing new to say he used propaganda on his own people...everyone knows this anyway... He was saying regular germans were forced to work without pay


    no the normal german wasnt forced he forced the jews and the gays to work as free labour, yes he did tell them they had to work but did somthing about it and gave them jobs building houses hospitals schools factorys the auto bahn to mention a few the german ppl loved hitler for stoping all the crime and degradation that was happening and starting free health care free education worker welfare womans right

  18. What difference does it make what they did. If you refused..which you didn't, and if you did you sort of disappeared like.


    Scare? You can create anything with 'MAGIC' if your audience is susceptible. The German propaganda machine was aimed primarily at it's own people, not the enemy.


    It was a smoke screen, bull, a crock of ****. take your pic.


    what and the allies never used propaganda

    we still get the propaganda

    the point is if hitler was peaceful (or as peaceful as the rest of the world at the time) then germany would be a world super power and instead of us been americanised we would be more like germany

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