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AF Removals

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Posts posted by AF Removals

  1. Does anyone else think this is a troll trying to make UKIP look really stupid?


    Ye just stupid. I'm defiantly allowed & none on my road is fussy like u. I also have a 6ft fence & big gates so you would never tell. Are people's life's realy that sad that a van can annoy you realy?

  2. I've never seen the point of a jack anyhow. Last time I had a puncture was in the UK and I called Green Flag. They came out and changed my wheel for me. It was a foul night and I wasn't about to try jacking a car on an unlit road in the fog & rain.


    Not only that, the Green Flag man who was built like Goliath had to use a wrench around a meter long to undo the nuts. Afterwards the wheel wouldn't fit in the trunk. The space saver wheel was about half the size of the one on the car, and even that won't fit into the space when its inflated.


    As I found that night there is a reason why a tire deflates. In this case I had hit a rock or a pot hole and it had cracked the wheel. No amount of pumping with a footpump would put air into that.


    The nice man from Green Flag changed my wheel and took the old one back to the depot where I collected it a few days later. I was able to go to the restaurant not soaked or covered in oil.


    I would never attempt to change a wheel, that's why I pay around $50/year for someone to do it for me. I carry a couple of those cans of gunk. If that doesn't do the job the cell phone will.


    It beats waiting for someone if you get a puncture & every time you swap alloys I needed a jack

  3. CCTV is crap & they go off sprinter & crafter as they fetch good money for half hours work


    ---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 18:50 ----------


    2 bigish van on your drive? what about car? do you smell something?


    What's wrong with 2 vans on a drive? I don't follow? I have a pickup a van 2 cars & a car chopped up on mine. What you getting at?

  4. Will I won't ever hire you knowing you've got loads of points on your license for being selfish and lazy - which is precisely what using a phone while driving amounts to.


    Never said how I got them tho & hire me for what if people read I don't do removals no more! Simples before anybody ever has any work carried out Iv heard of a cb check but never a licence check :/ strange or maybe just the wired few on here. Maybe I'm the only 1 on this forum with points then.

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