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Posts posted by KirkP

  1. I vaguely recall the kitchen on the way to Data Processing. They used to cook the meals there and have photo shoots for the advertising. Think one of the ladies was called Jane.

    In DP Maurice and Maureen married but later divorced I also believe Sylvia and Colin married but no idea if any of them are still around. Maurice ran a pub in Sheffield many years later.

  2. I have a friend who worked in Batchelors DP a bit before your time, he left in '74.

    He now lives in California but asked me to post a few names he remembered- Marjorie Hance, Barbara (can't remember her surname but she looked after tapes and discs and was married to a police officer) Lynne Jeffcock, Beverley (can't remember surname) Paul Bownes, John Hadfield, Mike Hawley, Willie Wombell, Mick Brown, Sheila Evans, John Wright.


    Also, he's pointed out that there used to be pictures of the Batchelors lab kitchen on the Alamy website.



    I recall Marjorie she was sat just in front of Maurice, Sylvia and Colin. I do recall Mike Hawley, John Wright and Bill Wombwell.

  3. Hi John Pauline was small with red hair she ownsRhinegold Nursery with her family dont remember Lynne Wiseman Anne was typing for Percy and I did after she left do you rember Ruth old lady with grey hair bfn


    Hi Angela...I remember all those. Pauline and I worked together on shift... I recall a few faces in the punch room but not all names...Kath I think was one...Norma?!....But remember all in DP.... Sylvia and Maureen were lovely . Sylvia was so straight forward talking... Colin and Maurice...Harry and John Bartley...I recall John Gilpin who left about a year that I joined...I was there for four years from Trainee Operator to Shift Leader. Percy scared the living daylights out of me. Looking back tho, they were happy times.

  4. Did anybody else on this forum used to work in the IT department at Bachelor's Foods on Clay Wheels Lane?..I started there as a trainee operator through to Shift Leader. That was about 1976 to 1980.


    ---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 14:42 ----------


    Did anybody else on this forum used to work in the IT department at Bachelor's Foods on Clay Wheels Lane?..I started there as a trainee operator through to Shift Leader. That was about 1976 to 1980.


    ....I remember John Gilpin( tho I don't think he recalls me)..Harry Rotherham, Maurice Wright, Colin and Sylvia Foster, Maureen of course...i joined same time as Dave Wagstaff, ......John Bartley, Pauline who moved from the punch room into Ops. Percy Wolstenhome, ..Harry was my shift leader for a while...both Colin and Maurice took us under their wings. Sylvia was lovely..I have happy memories....don't recall many punch girls tho, think Marjorie was in charge. There used to be a girl called Jane who worked in the lab kitchens, we had to walk past it daily and some of the smells were terrific.

  5. Hi John...I'm sorry to hear about both Harry + Mr Wolstenhome. Harry took both myself and Dave under his wing when we were trainees...I used to love listening to his stories from WWII. Never ever called Mr Wolstenholme by his christian name, think he got a lot of respect (as did most of you in those days) from the young lads that we were. Plus half the time he scared us to death as well.......I believe that it closed down maybe 2 years after we left to move to Inverness. I once saw Maurice managing a pub in Sheffield about 16 years ago..Never knew what happened to Colin / Sylvia though I believe Maureen married a butcher (think they called him John as well...) over in Eckington or some where like that.

  6. I worked at Batchelors for 4 years, went from Junior op to Shift Leader ...I remember John Gilpin, Harry Ratherham, Maurice , Maureen, Sylvia + Colin Foster, Dave Wagstaff, John Bartley. Mr Wolstenhome...and we all worked in the basement. I had some happy times there. It would have been maybe 1977-1981 I think. Hated doing 'security' carrying all those tapes across to the factory..

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