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Posts posted by T.I.C UK

  1. Being a regular to the restaurants in Sheffield myself and my partner both found and have found Barrett’s Bistro to be one of those nice relaxed well served restaurants. Being a local business owner and a entertainer to my clients etc. I would certainly recommend Barrett’s as one of the places to be.


    Now am I slightly biased? Yes I have been too little over 20 restaurants in the Sheffield areas since moving here and quite frankly have been very disappointed with lack of service. Not getting what I ask for and not having any manners or care for their customers. I and my partner discovered Barrett’s through a friend and I am now a regular. James and Staff actually care for their customers. No business will ever make everyone happy but the negative comments on here well i genuinely don’t know why everyone I have spoken to regarding Barrett’s all love it and have passed its details on. A MASSIVE THUMBS UP FROM ME.


    All being said I actually had a simple but extremely nice bacon roll in their this morning and it was scrumdillydumbcious – Go try the place you have nothing to lose extremely great and ambient place to be.


    On a slightly smaller note I do undercover work for restaurants etc filming staff and service for clients and this is one of those places that deliver exactly what it says on the tin. 5 Stars from me *****

  2. I'm not in anyway doubting you run a legit operation, or that any other people don't do it, it's just I don't like the idea of entrapment using bait! Surveillance I am fine with.


    unfortuneltly it happens and there is a large market for it so obviously i cant make everyone happy. but to the 2 people that have signed up our services today from this very forum then all i can say is it works. we will now have 2 investigations to complete this weekend. so thank you for your comments . if we can help you with any other matters in future where honey traps arent involved then please get in touch


    T.I.C UK

  3. T.I.C UK - that is utterly ridiculous! I can understand to a certain degree a private investigator - seeing if someone is actually currently cheating. But to entrap them with a 'honey pot' is absurd, and horrible. I would dispute that 'everyone is happy'!!



    That is your opinion. by all accounts you are entittles to it , but one it aint a honey pot, its a honey trap. a name given by the market. this has been around for over half a century. so there is nothing new there. So have you ever been in a relationship and suspected your partner might be playing away from home? If yes how have you went about it? Have you maybe tried looking at phone or emails , even facebook. and maybe your partner has become suspicous of the fact you are doing it. We basically cut all the non sense out and use our surveillance operators to action active surveillance . Honey traps maybe one little part of it . i would maybe use google my friend and see who else actually does this service you will see there are literly hundreds if not housands of companies throughout the world doing it.


    If you feel so heavilly about it you can also report it to OFCOM,the SIA, Local athorities etc im sure they would listen. As for T.I.C solutions we will continue to be providing a service to individuals for a long time to come.

  4. Intresting.


    So this would mean trying to get it on with someone who is straight who has been accused of being gay?


    it could be , or it could be a gay couple who seem happy , own a house lived happily etc. one of the couple decide or thinks his partner is cheating , they use our services to try and find out if cheating , either by following them or other methods , one being a honey trap. putting a carrot out and seeing if they bite, if so we get our evidence and report our findings. you get paid we get paid. everyone happy.

  5. Not in the way you might be thinking. If you are gay you will have more experience interacting with people of the same sex. not in a bad way , but if we put you in an environment with straight men or woman then it could lead to trouble, people twigg its a setup , so we looking for people who are confident , comfortable interacting with people. but thats it we DO NOT offer sex and if its suggested then you will have the evidence required for the case which all will be filmed on covert camera.


    hope that answers things a little better

  6. Honey traps. we have enquiries from people suspecting there partners of cheating, we are actively looking for Gay, Bi sexuals even tran sexual as well. we have had some really difficult cases and putting someone who is straight into that typoe of environment as you will all know would stand out like a sore thumb, so we have agreed to recruit respected people with industry experience. so if interested download the service operator application and forward accordingly

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