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Please review my website.


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I am a (self taught) games programmer.


I have some sites here:






I would be very grateful for *ANY* feedback / critisism ... especially with the http://www.gbaart.com site (which is still under development).


I really need to find other people (artists) to make games with ... and that is really what that site is all about.


Any feedback on the textual content too would be great.



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Thanks Bikertec and Moon Maiden.


My concerns with http://www.gbaart.com are:


a) That the textual content / wording needs to sound professional.


and ...


b) I want to inspire video game artists to work with me (and I can't pay them till I get paid so it will be on a profit share basis).


So it all needs to look and sound juicy and attractive.


The project I'm working on (a racing game called 'roto racer') ... I have high hopes for :-)


Technology wise it's unique and pretty cool ... and I believe it will make a top game (if I can persuade talented video game artists to get involved).


I am even getting quite motivated and excited myself ... just need to kick my sheffield forum habit and work on the thing really !!

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