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What might stop a zip file from downloading?

I've had problems in the past with web-based outfits and their over-active email filters, junking/spamming any mail that looked faintly suspicious, but would any actually stop a zip file mid-transfer?

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do you mean as it's being sent between two addresses, or as you are downloading it from your mail server?




PS. i presume there isn't a "guide-to-zip-files.com" site with help on this matter? :D





Cheers for your reply...

It's a case that I'm directing someone to a website, from where they download a zip file to their PC by simply clicking on a "download now" button!

Nothing more complex than that!


It's just like me saying "Hey, Moonlight! Have you seen the latest version of....?!" and you trying to download it....but the download "stops" (or so I've been told) part way through....no error messages, no clues.

Out of interest, I've since visited the site and downloaded the file in question with absolutely no problem....hence my question.

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Out of interest, I've since visited the site and downloaded the file in question with absolutely no problem....hence my question.


Could've been a bad connection between the PC & server.


The server may have been put in to "maintenance mode", or have been updating, plus many other possible reasons:thumbsup:.

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ive had em stop when my connection turns a bit bad and data stops getting through.

also ive had zips "finish" early and so wont open cos theyre bad zips, not sure why that does, just does, only on certain sites / servers

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