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The growing allure of horticulture!

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Dear reader, I have recently taken up horticulture and i write to you upon this day for any tips or advice from our more green fingered friends out there. I do not have a substantial garden for dahlias, pansies nor forget-me-nots, so it has to be indoor horticulture.


What started me off was when an unshaven man named Dave came around and gave me some seeds. I suspect Dave was worn out as he ate a whole plate of biscuits and look and sounded extremely fatigued.


Apparently, the seeds, that are in my possession, are from a southern Asian region and as such will only flourish with a similar climate created artificially.


I've been wanting to sprout these seeds something chronic and it's high time I did something about it. I certainly wouldn't want to make a hash of the job.


Dave claims, with the right conditions, it will be a fairly abundant flora with what he refereed to as high yield. By this i assumed he meant lots of beautiful plants.


I have a space for my horticultural hobby but want to know about how to sprout the seeds and any tips on equipment I might need to represent the rainforest's of south east Asia and how often do you have to water the little beauties.


If I'm successful I may exhibit at the local flower show. Although Dave laughed heartily when I suggested this.


thanks in advance for your time and considerate responses

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This reminds me of a similar tale when my brother, also called Dave, was given some seeds. Being a middle aged man who had never grown anything he was pleased with the crop. He asked further advise from fellow gardeners. they warned the crop should be dried out before consumption. So Dave, not being very bright, put the crop in the oven late one night. In the early hours his wife heard a strange noise from downstairs. She hurried downstairs to find Dave curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, sobbing. It appears that he consumed the plants a little too early. :)

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