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Adding tunes to my MP3 player

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You need to go an a site like Limewire (free although its illegal) :suspect:

Download the tunes onto a shared music file on your PC (if youre on limewire youll get a limewire music folder) then connect your phone to the PC via the usb cable (most new-ish phones are supplied with these)

Depending on what kind of phone you have will depend on what you do next. But it is easy, I promise. Im a total technophobe and I can do it! :)

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DONT GO ANYWHERE NEAR LIMEWIRE not even with a shi**y stick !!! Its one hell hole full of virusses, you gets what you pay for and its still cheaper than buying a cd or paying some geek to wipe all the dross from your pc. you will need to install the pc suite disc on your pc and follow the instructions in the read me file.. hope this helps :hihi:

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Ive been using Limewire for two years and have NEVER had a virus. Just quality tunes for free. And Ive bought more albums since I started downloading on limewire than I ever did!

I hear a tune on there, like it and buy the album...so dont let anyone tell you that downloading is killing the music industry.

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Use a torrent client like uTorrent (i use Transmission cos i'm on Mac) and you can get entire albums, usually wi covers (although that waint matter to your mp3 player) and all the tacks int right order (again, usually).

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