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Poor, poor Bella!

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Poor Bella didn't come home as she usually did after 12-24 hours, sometimes she has gone AWOL for two days, but this was her longest yet with this being day three.. We came back tonight and as I got out the car I could hear a "woww! woww!" from the woods.. it sounded like her, but different. After looking I saw it was her, and she ran down the hill, but then saw she was hopping terribly :o In fact she cannot use her back right leg at all, it appears to be dislocated. :( Poor girl! Its all floppy from the hip and while she can flex it slightly i.e. when she is lying down its fairly much useless :cry:


Off to the vet's first thing, as she isn't in distress or even huge discomfort, and she had some tea when she came in. :( Poor girl. She spends so much time in the woods and out and about, prowling and hunting - she's not going to enjoy being confined to barracks or strapped up! :(




Awwww- I'm so sorry to hear this Henrietta. Can I suggest that you make sure that she has no food and water tonight, so that if she needs an anaesthetic she'll be ready for it when you take her to the vets in the morning?


Hopefully it will be something that the vet can sort out easily, and she'll have lost only one of her 9 lives.


Hi Henrietta


Hope all goes well at the vet, you will be suprised how quickly cats heal. One of my cats was run over where I used to live and she was xray'd and had cracked her pelvis. She literally dragged herself around the house for two weeks by her front paws and I was in tears the whole time it was terrible. Two weeks later she was back to her normal self and she is still here 13 years on. ;)


I'm pretty sure it will have been a hunting accident as she vanishes into the woods next to our house for literally days, keeping away from people and the houses :(


Thing is if its a dislocation its more likely to happen again, which is such a shame. I wonder when she did it, hopefully not Saturday - and I hope she hasn't had to hop and scurry too far home :( I'm sure she ends up away playing in Beeley Woods! :P


Yep Medusa thats their lot for tonight, Isa will just have to lump it :P I hope she goes to the toilet sometime tonight before her vet visit, poor kitty!






Yeah keep her off food from 7pm tonight (might be abit late if you have already fed her) and leave water down but take it up no later than 7am.

Keep her litter tray near where she is laying so she hasnt got to walk too far to have a wee.


Good luck tomorow xx


She has a broken femur! :o Quite frankly I'm shocked - she was in no apparent pain and not distressed yesterday. Operation tomorrow morning :cry:




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