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Excruciating upper stomach pain right hand side, what? trapped wind?

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I am waiting to see my own GP at the end of the week. Thanks for your responses. Something very strange happened last night. My partner had the exact same pain! He couldnt lay down with it either. He kept belching, then thought he was going to be sick, and eventually did a huge burp and it was over. The trouble is, I couldnt do that when I had it.


Havent had the pain since, but have felt sick every day and havent really eaten.

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Dear yellowrose and others, I do have exactly the same symptoms as you yellowrose. I had my scan yesterday and there is no Gallbladder stone, my blood test (full count only) is fine too. I am now very carefull with my eating and eat half of the usual amount I ysed to eat. My stomach is rumbling, if I just could have a very strong burp and empty (excuse me) my Bowles fully with all the gas inside me I may feel a lot better.

How did you get on now Yellowrose and what did the Drs find please?

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I had my gall bladder removed 10 years ago bu the pain i felt was like someone was crushing me from the inside. it was always worse at night and i often had to take really strong pain killers prescibed from the doctor and go in a warm bath. you could try the opposite and eat cheese and drink milk to see if this causes an attack. but the one thing i was not informed of is that your gall bladder helps you digest the fats you eat and for some people they do not put on weight but i live on a fat free diet as i put on weight so easily. i went up 3 dress sizes in 2 weeks after having the op.

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Thank you Gabby

I went for Upper Abdomen scan and they founf that I have no gallbladder stones but it only showed that my bile is very thick .. whatever this means I really don't know. Waiting to see my GP to dicuss Scan results, my blood test full count is fine too. The pain lasts 3 to 4 hours and comes at night only on the right hand side below my lower ribs and travel to the back right hand side too. All the symptoms of Gallstones, but now I know it not. Still waiting to know what it is then?????

Anybody with some helpful input please.


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i had a pain the same as this with back pain aswell. i went to my doctor they did blood test and took a urine sample and i echoli. and it can be very serious i was hospitalised for a week. have a look at some symptoms it may help

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Thank you Gobby and L3ANN3x

It would be very interesting if YELLOWROSE who started the discussion in March last year to tell us how she/he is getting on now if still with us on this subject.

However, as I said before I had so far my blood test full count and my Gallstone scan and both showed negative. Now I really don't know what next as I am very carefull with my eating and eat a lot less (half my usual meal), avoiding any spicy and fatty food as it seems they trigger the pain and the wind inside my right side under my lower rib and travels to the back beneath and under my shoulder blades. My stomach is always rumbling with plenty of gas inside me. All the symptoms of Gallstones but I now know there is no stone .... what is next I don't really know!!!!!!!

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Hi Just stumbled across this forum and am so glad to have found others with same symptoms (well not glad you are suffering but you know what I mean) I am sure GP and consultant think I am hypochondriac but I'm not - it really hurts when I'm having an attack to the extent that I can't even turn over in bed. The pain came in bouts for about 2 years where all I could do was get up and walk around during the night and try to relieve the trapped wind - water, rennies etc. even to the extent of making myself vomit. Culminated in being rushed to A & E and they found a golf ball sized gall stone and badly inflammed gall bladder. Both were duly removed by key hole. HOWEVER the pain still returns now and then and I am really uncomfortable if drinking wine (devastated) can drink spirits same as usual but not wine. Have had tests for coeliac (negative) as consultant doesn't think the gall stone was the actual cause of the pain it was just being irritated by what actually causes the pain which he thinks is a yeast intolerance. Take 20 mg omneprazole daily and now don't eat bread or drink wine and haven't had another episode. Have had chest xray and ultra sound and no other stones. Really should try an experiment and have a week of eating bread nd a few glasses of vino but so scared cos last episode took 4 days to clear. Consultant said if it is a yeast intolerance only thing to do is not eat yeast so that is what I am trying to do.

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Have you ever been tested for H.Pylori?


Many people suffer with it but often don't realise. A routine blood test can diagnose the condition, which if proved positive can be treated very effectively. 94% of patients if I recall correctly.


Symptoms include: bloatiness, belching, lower abdomen pain and acidity regulation problems.


Might be worth checking out.


I had this last year. Sounds like the same symptoms. Helicobacter Pylori.


Easy to treat....course of 3 types of anti-biotics.

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i agree. these are the same exact symptoms i experienced. i went to the dr who scheduled me a ultrasound and they discovered a massive stone was in my gallbladder. i had the keyhole surgery and ive been fine ever since.


just a quick question though, do you experience these pains after large amounts of drinking or eating really fatty/greasy foods? my worse attacks were whenever i had a pizza for dinner. if its the case and to help minimize the pain, you might want to cut out fatty foods and things with milk or egg in them until you can see a dr.


I have these pains and they removed my gallbladder a little over a year ago. I think you dhould find a different doctor.

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asks them to check for divaticular problems especily if you have a high white blood cell count.

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