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Do you enjoy your job

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I dont mind my job it has its days its my second job and i got it when i moved here to sheffield 5yrs ago i work for gt news and iv worked me way up and now im an assistant manager for the interchange branch so its my turn to boss them about lol im not that bad more than anything im too soft lol but iv been in the newsagents trade since i was 15 so i know a fair bit bot it

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I'm a junior doctor and it is not much fun at all. The career prospects are going down the toilet with the rest of the NHS as our current inept government clogs up the healthcare system with red tape, spending money on pointless bureaucracy and making it increasingly difficult for us to do the job. The money seems good but is peanuts compared to what I could get by using my degree to get a City job. However I am not driven by money and, despite my obvious cynicism, some of my alturistic values are preserved. Hence, like many UK docs, I am looking forward to leaving it all behind and moving to Oz or NZ

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